When you are sick or injured

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Tony- He will treat you like you are a princess. He would make some chicken soup and stay with no matter what. But that's only when your sick. When your injured, he would make funny of you like how you got it injured in the first place.

Steve- He'll be on your side 24/7. No matter what, you and him will watch tv and some movies together. Even for you he'll eat junk food with you. For a injury, he'll say some cheesy. And when he signed your cast, it said,
-the second time you broke it! Love dad.

Bruce- You don't get injured or sick. Your super power is healing so that's not whenever you do get sick or injured, it's only for 5 hours.

Clint- It's not a surprise for him. You always break a bone but, you never get sick. Whenever you break something it's always when your dancing. He'll ask for a day off and you guys eat McDonalds all day.(not all day)

Thor- He'll follow every direction that the doctor had told him. He will call the doctor if it's normal. He takes care you like you are a kid again, no kidding.

Pietro- He will run to place to place to get your medicine and he won't stop until he founds the right one. When you injured, he'll make fun of you saying 'You look like a bunny when you hop, no wait a dying fish.'

Natasha- she will not tale no for a answer. She will make you drink your medicine, she will make you eat something healthy. For a injury, she will go in your room and watch movies all day. She will even take a week off for you.

Wanda- She's kind to you when your sick. She will make you your favorite food and all that but, when it comes to a injury, she will be like those brothers that will tease you whenever you get hurt.

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