You got into a accident part 3

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when they see you in the Hospital

Tony: I drove as fast as I can, almost gotten myself in a crash. I ran to the hospital yelling my daughters name.

"Where's my daughter!? Where is she!" I told the nurses. One nurse came at me and told me about y/n.

"Your daughter, she was found unresponsive on the scene." She took me to her room and I saw her laying down on the hospital bed, with tubes in her mouth. "Sir, she was in a car accident, she was going full speed, and she crashed into a tree." I ran my hand through my face. Why would she do that? She's between life and death.

Steve: I dropped everything and went straight to the hospital. I pushed some people to get to y/n room. I saw Nat, worrying.

"Steve, she's in surgery."

"What happened?" I tried to stay calm. "Nat?" She looked at me.

"She said when I held her, she was shot." She sighed. "Y/n was shot in her own apartment, do you think that someone was sent to kill her?" I looked in the glass of the surgery room.

"I'm gonna find whoever did this."

Bruce: I ran down to the SHIELD hospital part of the area, I couldn't find my daughter. Then I saw the new interns, Jemma and Fitz.

"Jemma! Fitz! Where's y/n?" Jemma stop and looked at me.

"Dr. Banner, something happened to y/n on the mission. But I have to go and help her life." I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Dr. Banner!" I turned around and saw Fury. I ran up to him and pushed him against the wall.

"What happened out there! You said that the mission was easy and nobody will get hurt!"

"Banner, y/n was beaten up during the mission. She found the inhuman and decided to attack but he attacked her." I dropped Fury and he took me to see y/n, she was laying down, with a beaten up face and Jemma helping her.

Clint: Laura and I went rushing to SHIELD. They told us to stay still and wait for a Dr. Banner. Me and Laura held hands. Banner came walking and we stood up.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"There was a bombing accident during the mission. Y/n was near the bomb but broke a few ribs, and a head concussion." I sighed from relief.

"When can we see her?"

"Not now, she's having an episode. You know, screaming and all."

"But soon?" Laura asked. And he nodded.

"Yes, really soon."

Thor: Jane made it there before me. When she saw me, she ran to my arms and cried.

"There was an airplane accident. The doctors are going the best they can." I looked in the window and saw them operating on my princess.

"She can't die." I whispered.

"The airplane killed all of the people on it and y/n and one more survived it." She has to live, she's a goddess, they can't die. Please my princess, don't die.

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