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What are you like- You are the funnier than him. If he tell a joke nobody laughs, but you say the same thing but more sense, everyone laughs.

Your nickname- Baby doll

Who are you dating- Logan Howlett

First word- You and him were in the living room.

"Say something Baby Doll!" You looked at him. "I give up!" He said throwing up his hands.

"D-dad!" He turned back. "DAD!" You smiled.

"YES! Im your father, your dad!"


"I'm your first word." he smiled.

Favorite Avenger(besides him)- The Falcon (Sam)

Avenger he trusts the most- Steve

He got you a pet- You were watching tv. Your dad just came in.

"Hi dadd-o!"

"Hey Baby Doll." Then you heard footsteps coming to you and you didn't care. Something landed on your lap. You screamed. And you saw a dog.

"You didn't!"

"I did." you ran back to couch and hugged the dog. "what are you going to name it?"

"Scream. You get it cause he made me scream." and he laughed.

His proud of you- When you became a professional photographer.

Power or ability- Invisibility

You got grounded because- You had bad grades.

How were you like growing up- Short tempered but you were funny.

Sport you play- Lacrosse

Your nightmare- Your nightmare was turning against everyone you love.

"Send them in." You said. Your were working for the one and only, HYDRA. You were the leader. "Look at this! The Avengers and my dad, wow, this is going to be so much fun!" You gave them a wicked smile.

"Please don't do this!" Your dad said.

"Kill them!" You screamed. You woke up gasping for air. You were in your room. You got up and went to your dads room.

"Dad?" He groaned.


"Can I stay here for the night?"

"You got another nightmare?" You nodded. "Come here." When your dad was saying something about his dream, you fell asleep.

You have a secret talent and he found out- You and are dad went to the grocery store to get some cereal and chips and this guy said something.

"Excusez-moi madame peux vous me aider à trouver le fruit?" Your dad looked confused. ( excuse me ma'am can you help me look for the fruit?)

"vous prenez à gauche et derrière les sodas et thats où il ya!" You smiled. (you take a left and behind the sodas thats where there are.)

"Merci Madame!" (Thank you) He smiled and walked away.

"aucun problème Sir!" (No problem)

"What did you say?"

"It's french dad, you won't understand."

"Well then."

"Gosh, papa suivre avec le programme!"
(Gosh dad, keep up with program) and you walked away.

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