You joining SHIELD

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Tony- "WHAT!" Your dad yelled.

"Im joining SHIELD." You said once again.

"No, your not."

"But dad, look at me, I have powers and I think they can useful."

"Im not letting my little girl, be a killer."

"Who says that I'm going to a killer?"

"You know what I mean."

"Dad, Hill is going to train me and become a Agent. Nat is going to help me with fighting." Your dad sighed.

"Fine, but I want you to call me every 3 hours."

"Thank you dad." you hugged him.

Steve- "I don't want you to be one of them."

"But, I'll be helping out with computers and all that."

"Just computers?" He said.

"Me being a agent isn't going to work out that well. Nick said I can help him with whole computers in the headquarters."

"Just the computers and thats all."

"Thanks daddy!"

"I'll be coming to see once on a while if you are okay." and you smiled.

Bruce- "I do like that idea, but do you think it will be a little dangerous?"

"Being a doctor and help agents heal and no I don't think it's dangerous."

"Well, you do have a doctorate degree."


"Sure why not." He smiled. You went to hug him.

"I promise that I won't let you down."

"I know Snowflake."

Clint- "I'm just going to train new agents, thats all." You said. Your dad looking at your mom.

"She's works with you, not me." she said.

"I mean I like that but, do you think being a teacher or something?"

"I want to train." You knew that he hated that you working for SHIELD.

"Only if you, you take care of your brother and sister on the weekends."


Thor- "I'll be the assistant for Fury."

"Talk to your father, I like the idea but everything goes through your dad." Jane said.

"Father, I got a job for SHIELD, I'll be a assistant for Sir Fury."

"I like that idea."

"You do?"

"Yes, Princess, go ahead I dont mind." And you smiled.

Pietro- "Why not dad!"

"You're to young."

"To be a agent?"


"Please dad, this is the only chance you ever get for me being a grown up."

"Will you be happy?" He questioned.

"Yes." you said.

"Well then, I have no choice do I? You can be a agent." you ran to him and hugged him.

Natasha- "Ill be just like you mom."

"It's far too dangerous."

"Please mom, I have trained for my whole life, you have to."

"What if you get killed or hurt?" She asked.

"Well, it was my decision."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Alright then." You jumped up and down.

Wanda- "A what?"

"A secretary."

"And what will you be doing?"

"Like check in and check out for people who work there. Take calls pretty much I wont get hurt."

"Your sure its not dangerous?"


"Alright then."

"Thank you, thank you!" You smiled.

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