You Being Heartbroken

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Tony- Your boyfriend of 9 years cheated on you with your best friend. You found out by his brother. You ran and went home. You made it to the tower and ran past your dad.

"Tiger?" He said as you slam your door. He walked to your door and knock. "Y/n, what's wrong?"

"Go away!" You scream. He refused and he opened the door. You were on your bed crying. "I said go away!" You threw a pillow at him.

"What happened?" He sat next to you.

"(Boy name) cheated on me with (best friend name). I found out by his brother." You cried on his shoulder. Your dads face was shocked. He comfort you.

"It's going to be okay." He said. He felt so bad for his only daughter to be heartbroken.

Steve- You came home from school covered in water. Your now ex boyfriend had pulled the most embarrassing thing on you. He decided to pour water on you, and broke up with you. You came home hoping for your dad to be home.

"Y/n, what happened." He saw you wet. You turned to him.

"(Boy name) happened. He did this. And before you do anything, I'm heartbroken, he dumped me by this." You cried and your dad stood there in shock.

"Come here." He opened his arms and he hugged you. "It's okay. You have a long way to met more boys. Not just him." You cried on his shoulder. Your dad felt so bad for you that he was still shocked for what he did.

Bruce- You and your boyfriend had the hugest fight. It was about him cheating on you with a cheerleader. He admitted and that broke you. 5 years down to the toilet. You cried all the way home. You slam the door and screamed. You forgot that your dad was home.

"What happened? Is everything okay? Are you okay?" Your dad ran to you.

"(Boy name) cheated on me, I feel super!" You yelled. You pasted him and you were heading to your room.

"Let's talk about it." He said.

"Why would I talk about this? It broke me, and saying it again is going to hurt me more." You went to your room and slammed the door. Your dad stood there, waiting to help you. He felt horrible for you.

Clint- You got a call, your best friend died in a car accident. You couldn't believe it. You ran out the barn and cried.

"Why!" You and (friend name) had been best friends since the beginning of second grade. You tripped on something and landed on the hay in the barn. You didn't know that your dad was in the barn. He was just in the sitting and he saw you.

"Y/n?" He got up and ran to you. He hold you. "Why are you crying?" He asked.

"(Friend name) died! She died in a car accident!" He knew that you and (friend name) been friends since forever and it felt like you lost the most important person in your life.

"I don't know what to say."

"It hurts so much." You calmed down and you quietly started to fall asleep.

"If you're going through hell, keep going. I promise." He whispered and he carried you home.

Thor- In Asgard you fell in love with a guy and you guys been together. You heard that he went to war. And weeks later he got injured. They brought him to see you. He told them that he wanted to see you for the last time. You ran down the halls and made it to where he was.

"(Boy name)!" You screamed. You ran to his side. You dad came in and saw you. "No, please stay. Don't go." You brushed his hair away from his face.

"I'll be right next you. I promise." Days pasted. He was became weaker and weaker. Then he took his last breath.

"No! No! Don't be dead! Please!" You cried as you hold his hand.

"Princess, it's time." Your dad said. You turned and hugged him. "He's right next you. He promised."

"I loved him." You were so heartbroken, that you went to see him everyday at the grave with your dad. And your dad tried to comfort you but you never let him.

Pietro- You and your now ex boyfriend broke up because he cheated. You went home in tears. You ran to your room and started to tearing down your room. Breaking everything and messing up everything. Your dad came in running.

"The hell." He whispered. He was you looking at the window. "Road runner, what happened?"

"Him. (Boy name)." He stared at you feeling bad for you.

"What did he do!" He yelled. "I'll kill him myself!"

"Don't!" You yelled. You ran to him and hugged him. "I want you to be here." You cried.

"Okay." He hugged you and you told him that it was heartbreaking.

Bucky- Your best friend was dating your boyfriend for the same time as you both did. You found out by Steve's daughter, she was the one who told you. You were in the drive way crying.

"How would she!" You screamed in your car. You saw your dad drive in and he went to your window.

"Why are you here so early?" He knew something was up.

"Go away!"

"I know something is up." You got out the car and hugged him. "What's wrong, Baby Doll?"

"He cheated on me." You cried. "Steve's daughter told me." He kissed your head.

"You're going to love someone else, you'll see." He knew that you were heartbroken. He tried his best to make you happy and forget about him by eating pizza.

Loki- Same thing that happened to Thor's daughter. You fell in love with a boy. So what really happened was that he was excuse of something he didn't do. You saw that they were beating him. You ran, not caring about your dress getting dirty.

"(Boy name), look at me." He fell in your arms. "Stop! Stop!" You yelled.

"I'm sorry." He tended to say.

"Please, don't go." Your father ran after you and he saw the boy in your arms. You cried as you hold his hand.

"I love you." He said and he was gone. When your father saw what happened, he came to you and he was calming you down.

"Let go, Y/n." He added and he got sad and cried with you. He hated to see you cry.

"I loved him." And you did let go and you were so heartbroken, you didn't come out of your room for weeks.

Natasha- You got a call from Fury, saying that your mom got hurt on the mission to Geneva. You drove as fast as you could to where she was. You ran into her room.

"What happened to her!" You cried. Fury hold you back.

"She's in a coma."

"Mom! Please!" You pushed him and stood there by her side, until she opened her eyes. But that was years later. That let you heartbroken because you couldn't tell her about what has happened to you.

Wanda- Uncle Pietro called. Something happened to your mom. Nobody knew. You went to the elevator and saw her in the hospital bed.

"No. No." You started to cry.

"Y/n." Uncle Pietro walked to you.

"What happened! What happened!" You cried your heart out. "Mom! Don't go!" You read her mind, but you only saw you as a kid. "Don't go. I need you."

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