Fighting with them and you never forgave them

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I get see Civil War on Saturday! May 7 by the way! I'm not emotionally prepared at all. When do you Doritos see Civil War?

Tony: (old Tony) Yet again he went to a party and brought a woman. It was the fifth one in two weeks. You had enough. He missed your art show and he promised that he'll go. You stomp to the lab and give him what you needed to say.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" You yelled, he turned around.

"Um, nothing?" I questioned.

"You missed my art show!!"

"That's not till the 17th!" He grabbed his phone and checked the calendar. "It's the 30th." He said,

"Yeah, I hope spending time with woman is better than see your OWN daughter grow up."

"Look, y/n, I'm sorry."

"No. You keep saying sorry and yet you do it again. I don't forgive you." You turned away and ran out of the room and cry. 

Steve: Since you're dating Matt Murdock, your dad grew suspicious of him. You came home from walking Matt to his home, you dad had to talk to you.

"We need to talk."

"Sure, what's up?" You hanged your coat up.

"It's about Matt."

"What about him?" You crossed your arms.

"I can't let you see him anymore." Your eyes grew wide. "I'm sorry but something about him may put you in great danger."

"WHAT! No, you can't do that! I love Matt!"

"Y/n, Sweetie, I'm sorry."

"Sorry? Well your sorry means nothing to me! I'll never forgive you!"

Bruce: Your dad was missing for a year. A year alone, a year without him, a year scared, a year in a dark house. You got a call from Nick saying that he's at the facility, asking for you. You decided to go and you saw him.

"Y:n!" He stood up and tried to give you a hug but you backed away. "Snowflake?"

"You left me!" You screamed. "All by myself! Scared! Alone! Why did you do that! A year without you!"

"Honey, I'm so sorry. You have to forgive me."

"I'm sorry, I can't. I can't forgive you." You wiped off the tears and went back to car.

Clint: You heard your dad talking about sending you away. You decided to confront him about it.

"You're sending me away?" He turned to you.

"Robin, I can explain. You need to be somewhere else than here."

"Why?! Is it because of Hydra finding me!?" Your dad was scared that Hydra would take you away, you knew to protect yourself.

"I'm sorry. You're leaving tonight."
~later on that night.
"I'll miss you."

"I'm never going to forgive you for doing this to me." You told as you walked into the plane.

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