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Mei convinced her mother to sign her out for the day.

Not that it took much.

"Wanna talk about it?" She asked.

"Not really."

"Good, I probably couldn't do anything about it anyway." The rest of the ride home was silent.

Jungwon was surprised when he found out she had left for the rest of the day.

"She'll be back tomorrow," he told his friends.

Mei wasn't back the next day.

Mei didn't go back for days.

Finally, she gathered enough energy to try again.

She sat in her usual seat, headphones playing her favorite songs - not that she was listening to them.

She couldn't stop her mind from racing, not that it was unusual.

Are people talking about her?

Did Jungwon think she was mad at him?

Would he still try and talk?

Would he ignore her?

She heard the seat beside her get pulled out, scraping loudly on the floor.

Was she right? Was he mad?

She grew more confused when she felt him tap on her arm.

She looked over, realizing he held out a granola bar and a water bottle.


"I ate before school, don't worry."


"How would you know if I'm lying?"

"I just know things. And I know you haven't been eating. So eat. Now." Jungwon knew he had won, seeing Mei hesitantly look at the food before her.

She could do it, right?

Melatonin ~ JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now