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"You're so cute when you're flustered, Mei, don't hide from me!" Jungwon said, grabbing his phone as she noticed her walk outside of the frame.

"I know you can hear me! Mei! Mei~, come back," Jungwon said, nearly whining.

She finally grabbed her phone but still refused to show her face.

"Aw, Mei~," Jungwon continued to call her name, giving up a few moments.

"Don't fall asleep just yet," he said, noticing her unmoving.

"I won't," she finally responded.

"They guys complained that we didn't see them for long enough," Jungwon said.

"Well, next week, we can hang out more then."

"They act like they never see me."
Jungwon laughed, readjusting his camera.

"They just miss seeing you 24/7," Mei responded.

"They're jealous that I'm spending time talking to my beautiful, stunning, amazing, funny, pretty perfect, kind, wonderful girlfriend I've been in love with for nearly two years," Jungwon said, preparing for Mei's reaction.

"We've been together less than a week. How could you've loved me for nearly two years‽" Mei asked, ignoring his entire list of compliments.

"So you see, Mei, I've been like in love with you for basically ever. I mean, could you blame me? You were super friendly and everything. I mean, I've been in love with you since our first interaction."

"I don't remember meeting before this year, though," Mei said nervously.

"I've changed a lot, and so have you. But you were looking for a book about flowers - I've found that it's an interest of yours - and I asked you to get help to find a book about some odd subject because you used to volunteer there. I did it for a while until you stopped volunteering." Jungwon spoke calmly, a smile lingering as he did.

"No way. You were the book boy? I helped you find a new book like every other day. Wait, maybe I got the wrong person. He told me his name was Johnny."

"Johnny is my English name. Niki calls me it as a joke. I was nervous and accidentally said Johnny instead of Jungwon l. That's embarrassing."

"Well, now I know what happened to him. I used to wonder."

"But yeah, since then, I've been crazy in love with you - not in a stalker way, I swear."

"Very promising," Mei said, yawning.

"Okay, so it might have been like a crush- and then this year, we actually got close, and I just knew it."

" knew what?"

"That we're staying together forever or having a hell of a breakup."

"Let's hope for the first one."

"Definitely. Also, why did you stop volunteering?"

"My mom complained about it taking up my time. It's the same old thing. Too much time doing this, not enough cleaning or cooking or working or whatever issue that day was."

"Mei, I don't think that's a good thing."

"My mom raised me right," Mei paused for a second, "my mom raised me, right?"

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