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"Mei Lin!" Mei's aunt said happily, running out to the car.

"Hi, Aunt Isla," Mei said, a small smile appearing.

"We have a lot to catch up on! Since I graduated college and everything, I can finally let you stay with me!" Isla

"Definitely. I only have a month left of Seoul's schoolwork. I'll go there for their finals, and then we'll get me registered here." Mei seemed happy, but even Isla could see the sadness behind her words.

"So, do you have all of your friends' numbers? I want to ensure you can stay friends with them even though you're here now." Isla helped grab some of Mei's things to bring into the house.

"Only one. I didn't have many to start with anyway," Mei said shortly.

"So, are you two close then?" Isla asked.

"Yeah, a little. He probably did more for me than my mom did her entire life."

"He? Is it that one guy you mentioned once a few weeks ago?" Isla asked.

"Yeah, Jungwon. He's a nice friend."

"Sounds like it. Well, I hope you guys will continue to keep in touch. I'll take you down to visit sometime,'' Isla said, smiling as she opened the door to the apartment.

"So you get your very own room across from mine," Isla said, leading Mei through the hallway.

"I'll let you get settled, but then we must have the dreadful important talk."

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