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(Should I start making longer chapters?)

"I'm kinda jealous, I won't lie," Isla said as Mei finished her story.

"You'll find your personal eventually."

"So, ready to go get registered tomorrow?" Isla asked.

"I'm nervous. I mean, I'm not just switching schools. I'm going to be in an entirely new place with new people. Not to mention that I have all these college things to work on," Mei said.

"We'll, you have me here now. I've been working on college stuff for a while, so I'll be a decent help. But you'll also be able to talk with at least Jungwon. And I'm sure you'll make some friends. Jungwon has seemed to help you a lot, the meds et cetera included." Isla pulled into a store parking lot.

"What are we doing here?"

"Clothes shopping, duh. I'm not letting my niece go to a new school wearing clothes she's had for lord knows how long."

"Oh, okay. I don't really know what to choose, though," Mei said as she undid her seat belt.

"Well, we're going to find out. Then you can show your little boyfriend when we get home," Isla teased.

"I hope this isn't how you'll be every day."

"You'll get used to it eventually."


"I also need to get some stuff for work and then some school supplies for you, you know. But let's see. I'll go 5p bucks for my stuff, about 70 for your school stuff, and we'll use the rest for your new wardrobe."

"How much is the rest?"

"Roughly 400. Sadly, not much, but it should be enough to get you started. And you will be using as much as possible. Don't you even try to be cheap about it."

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