2.Bogum Hyung??🐻😠

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Taehyung's uniform

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Taehyung's uniform

Author's POV

Taehyung reached the uni and entered the building lost in thoughts. He flinched hard due to the sudden hug by His best Friend Jimin and his Hobi hyung 

Tae: Hey! stop it guys you are suffocating me. 

Chim/Hobi: Sorry Tae (Backs off from the hug)

Tae: You guys are acting like we haven't met for years. (chuckle)

Chim: Dummy don't you know that we cannot stay without you even for a minute. Right Hobi hyung.

Hobi: Yep jimin you are right but don't you think that you are being a little cheesy. If yoongi hyung comes here you are gonna leave tae and stick to him.

Chim: Hey its not like that! (blush)

(Hobi and tae starts laughing while jimin is pouting)

Tae: Okay guys if we don't wanna be late for the class we gotta go. My Dad told me yesterday that a new English Teacher is coming. 

 Chim: Let's go tae. 

Tae/Chim: Bye hobi hyung

Hobi: Bye

(Tae and Jimin enters the classroom and sat on their seats)

The first class was free as the teacher was absent so tae and jimin went to the library to study.

At Jeon's mansion

It was half an hour since Jungkook went inside the room. Everyone was sitting in the living room watching TV as both the jeons took a day off.

JK's Mom POV

I was feeling worried now. Why Jungkook didn't came downstairs to have breakfast. He tried to hide the wound on his chest. Let me go and check on Him. Maybe he need some help in dressing his wound.

JK's mom: Honey I am going to check on Kookie. He haven't come out of his room till now.

JK's dad: Ok darling

Tae's mom: Unnie should I come with you??

JK's mom: No ae cha-ssi you sit. Let me check He tried to hide his wound. He must be having problem in dressing his wound.

Tae's dad: Aishh this kid He will never tell about his problems to us.

JK's dad: Yes I will talk to him.

I left the living room and started to climb the stairs towards Jungkook's bedroom. I knocked at his room's door. But there was no answer.

JK's mom: Jungkook Dear open the door it's me.

(No response)

JK's mom: Kookie open the door I am getting worried. (Knocks multiple times). Jungkook if you are doing some prank I swear I will beat you with a slipper. Jungkook Open the door. Okay if you're not opening I'm opening it with a duplicate key. Lara! Lara! come here!!

Lara: Yes madam

Jk's Mom: Lara Give me the key of young master's room.

Lara: Here madam (hands the key to her)

(opens the room and went inside)

JK's mom: Jungkooook!! (he was lying on the floor with blood oozing out from his chest and hands)

Author's POV

(After hearing Mi cha's shout everyone came running to Jungkook's room)

JK's dad: Jungkook wake up!

Tae's dad: Wait let me call the ambulance(went outside to call the doctor)

JK's mom: Kookie plz wake up (crying while shaking him)

Tae's mom: unnie please have some courage we can't see you like this (on the verge of crying)

Tae's dad: Brother the ambulance have arrived They are coming plz make way for them

(The bodyguards carried Jungkook to the ambulance and everyone went to the Hospital)

At school

It was tae's fifth lecture which is English. He entered the classroom with Jimin and they both sat on their seats. Everyone was gossiping in the class. Tae was also talking with Jimin but suddenly everyone became quiet. 

Tae looked towards the door and their stood their English teacher who started to walk towards the desk. Everyone was whispering to each other about how handsome and manly he is. Tae was also looking at him. He was shocked to see him:/

Teacher: Hello class!! I am Park Bogum your new English teacher.

Tae: You lost the bet. Now you will have to buy me strawberry milkshake for a whole month. I told you that he will be our new English teacher Chim(whispered)

Chim: Yeah Yeah I admit my defeat

Bogum: What are you both whispering about?

Chim/Tae: Nothing hy.. err sir

 Bogum: Ok so we won't be doing any work today so let's get to know each other for today

Everyone introduced themselves to Mr. Bogum and then they played some games till the class ended.

Time skip (Break)

Tae: How can he be here Chim??? Did you know about his arrival??

???: Are you upset that I came here. If you are upset then I'm going back(pouts)

Chim: No Gummie hyung we were just shocked

Tae: Yep! Hyungie why didn't you told us about you coming back? I will not talk to you. After going to America you have changed a lot. You didn't even talked to me(pouts and fold his arms on his chest pretending to be angry)





Hey Lovelies!!

 What do you think what relationship do Jimin and Tae have with Park Bogum??

I will update soon❤️❤️❤️

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