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???: Where are you going?

Taehyung turned around to see Jungkook standing there looking at him with confused eyes.

Tae: Ahh Hyung I'm going to Chim's.

JK: Oh wait a little let me grab my car keys than I'll myself drop you there.

Tae: You don't need--

Jk: No this and that Taehyung. I'm dropping you and that's final.

Sighing taehyung nodded his head making Jungkook smile a little. He ran to his room and took his car keys and started to walk towards his car with taehyung trailing behind him.

When they reached the car Jungkook unlocked the car and opened the front door for taehyung to sit. Muttering a small 'thank you' taehyung sat on the seat buckling his seat belt. Trying hard to not look too affected by Jungkook's presence.

Jungkook opened the driver seat and sat inside but when he looked at taehyung's red cheeks his lips curled into a small smile knowing very well the reason behind that blush.

They sat in comfortable silence with low music playing in the background. Soon after 20 mins they reached the Park Mansion as it wasn't far from their mansion.

Taehyung climbed down from the car and was about to go inside but halted on his steps and turned around when Jungkook called his name.

Jk: Taehyung.

Tae: Yes hyung?

Jk: Call me when you want to come back I will come to pick you or send the driver to pick you. It's not safe. Am I clear??

Tae: Ok hyung.

Bidding Goodbye to Taehyung Jungkook stayed there until he went inside the mansion and then drove off to his company the famous 'JJK Corporation'.

Bidding Goodbye to Taehyung Jungkook stayed there until he went inside the mansion and then drove off to his company the famous 'JJK Corporation'

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Jungkook entered his office. Taking off his blazer he called his secretary to get to know about his schedule for today. Secretary entered the office and bowed in front of Jungkook. And started to tell him about his schedule for today.

Mr Song:....And lastly you have to meet Mr Wang.

Listening to Wang's name a frustrated sigh left past Jungkook's lips.

Mumbling an okay he dismissed the secretary.

Time Skip

Jungkook walked out of the meeting room with an angry frown on his forehead. Wang's words from previous was ringing in his ears. His hand was drenched with that fckers blood. The words of that fcker were repeating continuously in Jungkook's ears 

Wang: I'll fcking take taehyung away from you Jungkook

Jungkook went inside his office. Taking deep breaths he tried to calm his anger down.


Without looking at the caller Id Jungkook shouted

(simple kook and italic tae)

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