24. Hurts😭🥺

365 18 1

Kook: You invited your death yourself





Kook's whole anger vanished in thin air when he heard tae's whiny voice making grabby hands towards him.

Tae: Hwyungie why you left taetae??

Kook smiled and walked towards him. He pecked tae's forehead and smooched his cheeks. Tae whined when Kook poked his exposed nipples.

Tae: Hwyungie huggie

Kook chuckled and hugged tae slipping in the bed with him. Tae put his head on Kook's chest and hummed.

Kook's hand travelled towards tae's bud and he pinched it making tae whimper. Tae hit his chest softly with an angry pout. Kook smooched his pout which made tae shy and he hid his face in Kook's chest.

Kook chuckle and caressed his back.

Kook: Baby who told you those things and gave you that dress as far as I know my baby is so innocent just like a baby. Tell Hyungie who told you to do these.

Tae: Hyungie didn't liked it??

Tae asked with teary eyes. Kook pecked his lips again and shook his head.

Kook: No baby hyungie loved it.

Tae: Hmm Jiminie asked me he said you will be happy. Are you happy hyungie??

Kook: Yes Baby am so happy.

Kook said and smooched his baby's soft cheeks and tae hid his face in kook's chest hugging him and dozed off.

Kook: Park Fcking Jimin you just wait.

Kook placed tae on the bed and let him sleep. He went out after making breakfast for his Love as he have some work to finish.

Kook was driving his car towards a location. He smirked when he saw Suga calling him. He received the call.

(Italic Suga Normal Kook)

We got him Kook

Ok Hyung I'll be reaching in 5 minutes

He cut the call and smiled devilishly.

Kook: You thought am a Mafia King for nothing. Till now I was giving you a chance to correct your mistakes but now I won't.

Kook reached the head quarter. His clothes were all black. His face Blank and as cold as ice. Everyone bowed at him and remained in that position until he went away.

Fear could be seen on their faces seeing him. They were praying for the person to get an easy death as he provoked the devil.

Kook entered inside and smirked seeing Wang tied. He was shouting asking who kidnapped him. His hyungs were standing at the side looking at him.

Wang: Who the fck dared to kidnapped me huh?? You bastard am gonna kill you.

Kook chuckled darkly which made him freeze and he started shivering.

Wang: W..who a..are..y..ou

Kook: What happened now why aren't you saying anything now huh??

Kook asked in his deep voice. He felt himself sweating when he heard the dark voice of the Hungry lion who was hungry for the blood precisely his blood.

Kook removed his mask and Jackson gasped seeing him.

Wang: CEO..J..Jeon

Kook: Not CEO Jeon it's Mafia King Jk.

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