25. V ✌🏻😶

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Tae: It hurts so bad Seojoonie





Tae: He won't like to see me He hates me.

Tae said hiccuping badly. Seojoon hugged him tightly and patted his back. Tae slept because of crying too much. All these years he had been crying, feeling all alone only having Seojoon beside him.

It's the first time he have seen tae cry like literally he's so emotionless all the time but that doesn't mean that he speak in a cold voice to them. He just prefer to hide his emotions from them.

Seo: Everything will be fine tae I promise.

Seojoon hugged him and pat his back.

They both reached Korea and a car came to pick them up. Tae reached the Company and all the employees welcomed him warmly. Tae forced a smile to them honestly he doesn't smile much anymore but it would be rude.

Seo: Tae you should go to your apartment and rest for sometime.

Tae: No hyung am fine you tell me my schedule.

Seo: But...fine You have to sign some documents and then there is a business party you have to host in your mansion.

Tae: Is it important??

Seo: No bro tae why would I even tell you if it wasn't important not to remember you have to reveal your face as well Mr

Tae: Ok fine.

Tae was signing the documents but gripped his pen tight when he heard the next words

Seo: Tae when will you meet them

Tae: Soon and they gonna pay for what they did.

Tae clenched the pen so tight that it broke into pieces and pierced his skin. Seojoon gasped when he saw blood oozing out from tae's hand while tae sat there unfazed.

Seo: Tae Oh my God I swear I'll kill you.

Seojoon hurriedly went towards the drawer and took the first aid kit from it. He took tae's hand and applied the medicine bandaging it afterwards.

He looked at tae and said in a broken voice with teary eyes.

Seo: Don't do that ever again

Seojoon hugged him tight tae hugged him back hesitantly.

Seo: Remember that I'll be there for you always.

Tae just hummed and let him hug him and then he broke the hug looking at the other side. Seojoon just sighed and spoke

Seo: let's have something first you haven't eaten anything.

Tae nodded his head Seojoon ordered the food and both sat to eat.

At Evening.

Tae got ready. He was looking so ethereal and beautiful. Seojoon went inside and dramatically held his heart which made tae to look at him.

Seo: Am I in heaven??

He tsked when he didn't get any reaction from him. Seojoon walked towards him and smooched his cheeks. He then forwarded his hand .

Seo: Shall we go my Lady

Tae gave his hand to him and they both walked behind the stage. The party was held in Tae's mansion.Right now the MC was speaking.

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