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Tae: Hyung do you hate me after knowing that I'm a little??





Kook: No

Tae: huh

Kook walked towards tae and sat beside him. He held tae's hand and carrassed his cheeks. Tae blushed hard.

Kook: Why would I hate such an adorable being huh?!? I like littles and wanted one for myself badly but dropped the idea because of something.

Tae: Why?!?

Kook: Don't worry your pretty head. I'll tell you okay.

tae: hmm ok hyung.

Kook: Tae can you be ready in the evening??

Tae: Why??

Kook: I want to take you out.

Tae's face became red like a tomato.

Tae: Err-

Kook: Please.

Seeing kook's bambie eyes tae's heart melted and he nodded his head. Kook smiled widely.

Kook: Ok then let's have breakfast shall we??

Tae giggled and nodded his head and kook swear that he had never heard such a beautiful sound in his life ever. He looked at tae with some emotions floating in his eyes.

Tae: Ahmm hyungie let's go.

Kook: Yeah you freshen up and I'll go make breakfast after I'll take a shower.

Tae nodded his head. Kook made space for tae to go and then he also went downstairs in the guest room to change.

After making breakfast kook set the table. And sat there waiting for tae. Tae came down looking gorgeous and beautiful as always and they had their breakfast in a comfortable silence.

 Tae came down looking gorgeous and beautiful as always and they had their breakfast in a comfortable silence

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Time Skip (cuz am lazy T-T)

Jungkook got ready in the guest room. He took a shower and dried his hair. He wore his clothes and then put on other accessories not forgetting his Diamonds worth Rolex watch. 

Putting the expensive perfume on himself he looked at his reflection in the mirror and smiled when he got satisfied with his look.

Putting the expensive perfume on himself he looked at his reflection in the mirror and smiled when he got satisfied with his look

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