4.Hate You😡🐻

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Tae's POV:

Kookie hyung shouted at me on the phone and asked me to come home fast. I was feeling so sad and tears started to gather in my eyes. I feel like my head was spinning and my eyes were blurry due to holding my tears back.

Bogum: Hey Tae are you crying?(worried)

Tae: No hyungie I'm fine(wipes his unshed tears)

Chim: Bear what happened?( takes his hand and caresses it softly)

Tae: Nothing chim. I'm not feeling well. I want to go home. The driver is coming to pick me.

Bogum: Baby you just came here. I know that this is not the reason. You were alright before talking on the phone and was enjoying with us very much. What happened tell me. Maybe I can help you.

tae: kookie shouted at me and asked me to come home right now. I am just so tired of him. He always shout at me and doesn't even say a word to me nicely let alone talk to me nicely(tears start to fall from his eyes)

Bogum: Chim can you leave us alone for a moment please??

Chim: Ok hyung??(hesitates to leave but eventually leave them alone)

Bogum: look at me tae.

Tae: (looks at him)

Bogum:(wipes his tears but again tears start falling from tae's eyes) Don't cry. You know that when you cry I get sad. Do you want me to get sad?

Tae: No (replies in a tiny voice and tries to control his tears)

Bogum: Listen to me carefully tae. You know that Jungkook has anger issues and he gets angry easily and when he gets angry he doesn't know what he's doing. You shouldn't let yourself get hurt by his words because these words that he speak to you are not actually spoken by his heart but by his anger. 

Tae: Hyung I understand that he has anger issues but why does he behave coldly towards only me?

Bogum: Maybe he has a reason to do so. But I know that behind this coldness and anger there is a small lonely bunny. So don't get hurt by his words because they are unintentional.

Tae: Okay hyungie.

Bogum: Now get your backpack. The driver would be on his way to here.(turns to go but hugged by tae)

Tae: Thank you so much hyungie(tear starts to well up in his eyes)

Bogum: No need to thank me you are like a little brother to me( pats his back and hugs him)

( They both part away from the hug ang goes outside to see Jimin sitting on the sofa waiting for them. As soon as he saw them He ran towards them and hug tae)

Chim: Are you okay??Don't cry again. We can't see you crying.

Tae: Yep I'm okay. I won't..( stopped by the horn of the car). Chim I think the driver came.

Bogum: Let us leave you till the car tae.

Tae: Okay hyungie.

(Tae sat in the car and opened the window)

Tae: Bye hyungie. Bye chim. Lubb you both(shouts and waves his hand from inside the car)

Bogum/Chim: Bye Tae! Love you too(wave their hands and shout)

Tae: How are you uncle?

Driver: I'm fine young master. How are you?

Tae: I'm also fine. Uncle is jungkook hyung at home or did he went out with namjoon hyung and suga hyung?

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