
271 17 10

Tae: Hmm





Taekook reached the mansion holding each other's hand with small smile adorning their faces. They both went to their room and freshened up one by one.

Kook was laying on the bed waiting for tae who was doing his skincare. Tae finished it and laid on the bed with Kook with some distance between them.

He looked at Kook only to see the pout and cute bambi eyes of Kook looking at him.

Tae: What happened hyungie.

Tae said and turned towards Kook. Kook hesitated for some time but eventually spoke.

Kook: Tae can I hug you??Only if you are comfortable.

Tae blushed hard.

Tae: Y-yes hyung you can.

Tae mentally slapped himself for stuttering. Without wasting any time Kook scooted closer to tae and hugged him putting tae's head on his chest near his heart.

Tae hugged Kook back with a smile. He felt so happy that his hyungie is changing for him. It's not like Kook used to be cold with tae since childhood. They both used to be bestfriends and were inseparable.

But Kook started behaving coldly with him when he turned 15 which surely hurt tae and it will take time for the wounds to heal. But he still love his Kookie hyungie just like when he used to love him when they were child. 

He isn't sure about his feeling towards Kook yet but he'll surely fall in love with him. Tae smiled brightly when Kook placed a soft peck on his forehead.

Kook: Baby sleep now you must be tired.

Tae hummed and snuggled more into Kook's chest which made Kook chuckle lightly and he started to massage tae's scalp to make him sleep. Which worked as tae slept after only 15 minutes.

Kook took his phone from the stand and checked the time. It was still an hour before it was going to be 12.

Kook laid with tae for some more time and then made tae lay on the bed carefully to not disturb his sleep. He went downstairs and took the cake from the refrigerator and placed it on a tray. Taking some candles he went back upstairs.

( The cake🤤@bunnybunkoo1435 hyungie am craving for a cake please buy it for me😗🥺)

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( The cake🤤@bunnybunkoo1435 hyungie am craving for a cake please buy it for me😗🥺)

He placed the cake and the candles on the side table with the knife. He went towards tae and sat on the bed. He caressed his forehead and then pecked his cheeks.

Kook: Baby wake up.

Tae: Hwyungie taetae sleepy.

Tae whined. Kook kissed his forehead and then showered tae's whole face with kissed except his lips (what did you expected😈🤣🤣)

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