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(The Penthouse)

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(The Penthouse)

JK: Hyung what did you took Bogum hyung's number for?

Jin: Off course to ask about tae you dumb bunny(smack his head lightly)

Jk: Ohh(rub his head)

Jin: Hi Bogum

Bogum: Hi Jin how are you? Why did you call at midnight? Is everything okay?

Jin: No nothing is fine. Jungkook shouted at Tae and he left from the hospital in anger. We thought that maybe he is with you. So I asked Uncle for your number. Is tae there with you?

Bogum: What are you talking about? Tae isn't with me Jin. 

Jin: Ohh. So do you know where he could be? We have been looking for him but we can't find him. Jungkook tried calling his number but it seems that he switched it off. I'm afraid something might happen to him. (worried tone)

Bogum: Don't worry Jin. Maybe I know where he is. I'm sending you a location. You guys reach there. I will meet you guys there in 20 minutes.

Jin: Thank you Bogum

Bogum: No worries

(Jin cuts the call and started to drive toward the location sent by bogum)

JK: What did he said hyung??

Jin: You brat! He is older than you. Have some respect. He gave me the location to some place . Let's go and check there.

JK: Hyung what if he has a plan to kill us.*gasps*

Jin: Are you silly Jungkook or are you trying to fool me. His father and your father are best friends and not to mentio..(cut off in the middle)

Jk: Yeah Yeah I know.(roll his eyes)

(Time skip)

At penthouse

Everyone reached at the penthouse. Jungkook, Yoongi and Jimin stepped out of the car.

JK: Jin hyung you wait here with namjoon and hobi hyung and check the surroundings. Me Jimin and Yoongi will go inside the penthouse.

Jin: Ok Jungkook. 

Jungkook, Jimin and Yoongi went towards the entrance of the house and started to ring the bell. They waited for someone to open the door but when no one opened the door after ringing the bell for literally 5 minutes straight, Jungkook asked Jin to message bogum if there is any spare key there?

(On Message)


Bogum is there any spare key? We have been ringing the bell for half an hour😅


                                                      Aishh Jin!! Wait for 2 minutes I'm just about to reach at the penthouse.


Ok Bogum👌


After 5 minutes, Bogum arrived at the penthouse. He opened the door with the spare key and entered the house with the 6 of them following him into the house. As soon as they entered the house they heard the sound of the tv.

JK: If tae is here why he didn't opened the door when we rang the bell?(confused)

Bogum: Let's go and see. 

When they entered the living room, what they saw made their feet froze to the ground. The first one to run to tae was bogum followed by Jungkook and others. 

Bogum: Taehyung!!

Bogum took Tae's head and placed it on his lap and started to shake him.

Bogum: Tae baby open your eyes hmm.(on the verge of crying) 

Jungkook himself was on the verge of crying. Seeing his baby in this state because of him felt like as if many knives were piercing his heart. 

But if Jungkook wanted tae to be fine, they needed to take him to the hospital. So Jungkook took Tae from Bogum and started to walk towards their car when he was stopped by Bogum holding his wrist.

Bogum: Where are you taking him Jungkook??

JK: Hyung we need to take him to hospital. Jin hyung take the car out fast and all of you get in.

They all sat in the car with Jungkook and Bogum sitting at the back seats with tae

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They all sat in the car with Jungkook and Bogum sitting at the back seats with tae. Tae's head was on Jungkook's lap and feet were on Bogum's lap. Jin was driving the car. 

After 20 minutes they reached at the hospital and taehyung was taken by the doctor's for his treatment. Jungkook , Bogum and all the others were waiting anxiously to hear if taehyung is fine or not.

Bogum: Jungkook did you inform uncle and aunt about tae??

JK: No hyung. I didn't can you please call them and tell them about tae. And tell them not to worry about tae. We all are here with him.

Bogum: Ok I'm going to call them.

(Bogum left)

Doctor: May I know who is the family of Kim Taehyung??

They all came towards the doctor.

JK: Doctor is he ok now??(worried)

Doctor: Yeah he is fine now. Don't you know that how much important it is for him to take medicine regularly and how it can damage his health if he gets a panic attack. If you would have been late he could have died you know!!

Jk: We are sorry doctor. 

Doctor: It's ok(pats his shoulder).But please make sure he takes his medicine regularly.

Jk: Thank you doctor!!(bows politely)

after the doctor left Jungkook's shoulders slouched down. Jin hugged him tightly and pats his back.

Jin: Don't worry he will be fine!!

JK: What if he starts hating me now?? I can't live without him hyungie!(tears starts to fall down from his eyes)





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