
578 31 14

Author's POV

Taehyung ran out of the room. Closing the door with a loud thud. Suga, Namjoon and Jin became shocked because of this and went towards him to ask what happened but before they could ask anything taehyung ran past them and went out of the hospital. He called  a cab and sat in it.

Driver: Where would you like to go to Sir?

Tae: Take me to....(told the address of his secret penthouse which bogum gifted him)

Driver: Ok Sir!!

( After 1 hour)

Tae: Ok drop me here. I will walk from here. Thank you!

Driver: No problem Sir!

Taehyung bowed in front of the driver and started walking towards the mansion like house. He smiles remembering the times jimin, bogum and he himself spent here at this penthouse. He  come here when he is sad usually when Jungkook scold him. 

His eyes started tearing up at the thought of his hyung saying that he doesn't care about him. But before he could breakdown he reached the penthouse and walked inside. He turned on the lights and sat on the sofa. 

Turning the air conditioner on he went towards the kitchen to take some snacks from the cupboard. He played his favourite song in hope to get distracted  from the events that occured earlier in the hospital. But it didn't worked this time and he started to sob loudly.

Tae: Why am I so pathetic? Why do I have to cry for the person who don't even care about me??

Tae's head started to pain badly. He started to pull his hair. His breathing became heavy and his eyes started closing. He was having difficulty in breathing.

Tae: I hate you hyung for making my life this much miserable.

(And everything went black in front of him)

At hospital

Jungkook had managed to calm himself down and started to regret what he said to Tae in his anger. He also got a earful of scolding from all his hyungs.

Jin: Jungkook if you want us to stay by your side then stop hurting tae. He is a small child. Are you trying to kill him by making him sad you already know that if he cries  then it can damage his health. But no you are blinded by your fcking useless anger.( face red in anger)

Jin's whole face was red as he was rapping and scolding the Bunny. Kook had a small pout on his face looking down

Namjoon: Jin my love can you calm down please??

Suga: Why should he calm down. Look at him he says that he loves him but he doesn't even seem to care about him.

Namjoon: Yeah I know you are right about that. Jungkook you need to stop getting jealous of bogum. He is just like a brother to tae and I am very much sure that Bogum also thinks the same. You should think by your brain not by your jealous ass. 

Jungkook: But hyung..(cut off by Suga)

Suga: You aren't jealous of Jimin why are you jealous of bogum Jungkook. They are just like brothers. Even you agree with that somewhere in your heart but your jealous ass is not accepting it. And if you love him why haven't you confessed to tae yet huh? You behave cold towards him and always hurt him by your words yet you are saying that you love him. 

Jungkook: I am sorry hyung. I promise that I won't talk like that ever again with taehyung and will try to control my anger. And about the confession I am thinking to confess to him but I don't get a chance to do it. But I promise that I will confess to him very soon.

Jin: Okay we forgive you bunny(pinches his cheek) and about the confession thing just do it before it's too late.

Jungkook: Okay hyun...(cut off by a call)

Suga: Who is it Jungkook?

Jungkook: It's Taehyung's father.

Suga: Accept the call.

(Jungkook accept the call and turn it on speaker)

JK: Hello dad

Tae's dad: Hello bunny

JK: Dad is everything ok why did you call at midnight??

Tae's dad: Yep every thing is perfectly fine. I called to ask that is Taehyung with you. He hasn't come home by now and what worrying me more is he haven't taken the medicine for his panic attack.

Jk: Oh shit! 

Tae's dad: What happened Jungkook??

Jk: Dad Tae is not here with me he left the hospital an hour before. I thought that he had already reached home.

Tae's mom: What do you mean Kookie he hasn't reached home

Jin: Hello aunt it's me Jin. Aunt can you give me Bogum's number maybe tae is with him.

Tae's dad: Okay son wait for a minute I'm sending you the number.(cuts the call)

Jungkook: Hyung what did you took Bogum hyung's number for?





Hey lovelies!!!

How was the chapter. If you think it's boring I will try to make some changes in my writing style but as I'm not influent in English writing Please ignore the mistakes. And about ewhy Jin called Taehyung's mother aunt it's just that they all are very close to each other and also everyone knows about Jungkook's feelings for tae except tae. Hope you lovely petals enjoyed this chapter.

I purple you ARMY💜💜

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