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tae: hwyungie?!?

Kook pulled away from the hug and wiped tae's teary cheeks.

Kook: yes my bubba

Tae: Dwo ywu hwate taetae?

Kook: No why would I hate such an adorable little puppy.

Kook said and smooched tae's cheeks. Tae giggled loudly making kook smile as well.

Kook: What age are you taetae?

tae: taetae is fwour

Tae said and clapped his hands.

Kook: Ok so what my baby wanna do??

Kook asked caressing tae's back. Taetae made a thinking face and then smiled brightly.

Tae: hwyungie wvill pway hilde awnd sweek wiv taetae??

Kook: Ok baby you hide and hyungie will find you.

Jungkook said and closed his eyes. Taehyung squealed and ran to the curtain and hid behind it.

Tae: Hwyungie von't fwind taetae hele.

Taetae said and giggled. Kook finished counting and looked here and there but then smirked when he saw taetae's feet. He then started to pretend to look for tae while going towards the curtain.

Kook: Ahh I can't found him Let me check in the bedroom.

Tae who was hiding behind curtains giggled but stiffled it immediately by putting a hand on his mouth.

Kook pulled the curtain.

Kook: I caught you.

Tae frozed on his spot and looked at kook with wide bambie eyes shocked. But then pouted.

Tae: Hwyungie thwat's chweating.

Kook: I didn't cheated cupcake. Now close your eyes it's your turn.

Kook said tae pouted but closed his eyes. Kook went to the kitchen and hid under the dining table knowing very well that tae won't be able to find him here.

Tae finished counting and started to look for kook. First he searched in the living room, then in the bedroom and after checking the whole mansion he went towards the kitchen.

Tae: kookoo

tae called jungkook controlled himself not to go out at the adorable nickname his baby gave him. Tae pouted when he recieved no response. His eyes filled with tears and he started to cry loudly.

Listening to tae's cries Kook immediately came out from his hiding spot. He hugged tae tightly and took him to the living room and sat on the sofa still hugging him.

Kook: My baby sorry hyungie is sorry now stop crying bubba.

Kook said caressing tae's back who was still sobbing hugging him and clutching on his shirt tightly. Kook detached himself from tae and looked at tae's face. His whole face was red from crying.

The sight broke kook's heart. He wiped tae's tears but new fresh tears started to come out of tae's eyes again.

Kook: Bubba why are you crying hmm stop crying my princess.

Tae: tae..tae thwou..ght hw..yungie lw...eft taetae.

Tae said and hid his face crying again. Kook took tae's face in his hands and cupped his cheeks.

Kook: Hyungie will never leave you baby. Hyungie loves taetae so much.

Kook said and smooched tae's cheeks. Tae looked at kook with big doe eyes making kook coo at him and pinch his cheeks smooching it after.

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