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Taehyung woke up late in afternoon when he did not felt the comforting warmness of Jungkook's body. Sitting up he rubbed his eyes cutely and pouted. He was about to get up when last night's incident flashed in his mind from how his father shouted at him and everyone was watching it quietly to how his hyung slapped him. Tears started to gather in his eyes and were about to make a path down his face when he wiped them with his hands harshly determined not to cry.

He took his clothes from the wardrobe and went towards the bathroom to take a relaxing bath. Filling the tub with water he stripped himself off his clothes and entered the bathtub. As soon as the warm water came in contact with his skin a contented sigh left past his lips. Closing his eyes he started to enjoy.

Time Skip(After bath)

After taking a long and warm bath taehyung wore his bathrobe and sat on the bed drying his hair with the hair dryer. After drying his hair he laid on the bed, still in his bathrobe and closed his eyes. Suddenly he felt someone stroking his hair gently. He opened his eyes to see his eomma. He sat up abruptly. Turning his head to the other side he asked his eomma..

Tae: Eomma what are you doing here

Mrs Kim: Tae bear how are you feeling.

Tae: Why are you asking Eomma?? When you don't care about my decision of not marrying hyung then why are you caring for me. I don't need your care.

Mrs Kim: It's not like that Baby....

Tae: Then what is it like Eomma?? Where was your this care when Appa slapped me huh???

Tears gathered in his eyes and started to flow down his cheeks. Mrs Kim tried to caress his cheeks only to get her hand slapped away by none other than Kim Taehyung.

Mrs Kim: Taehyung we....It's your grandma's wish.

Tae: Wha..at do you mean Eomma??

Mrs Kim: I mean this..

Saying that Mrs Kim handed Taehyung a letter which she brought with her while coming to his room.

Tae: what is this??(confused face)

Mrs Kim: It's a letter written by you for your Grandma. She wanted you to get married to your hyung at this age because it was the same age she got married. (hold his hands in her) Baby I know that you are too small for marriage and all it's your age to study but it's your grandma's wish. Now it's your decision whether to marry your hyung or not but remember that your father will be very upset with you because he was determined to get you married to jungkook when he came to know about your grandma's letter.

After pecking taehyung's cheeks Mrs kim left the room to give him some space .

After thinking for 15 minutes taehyung slowly opened the letter...

In the letter

My Dear Taetae,

When you would be reading this letter i won't be there for you anymore but remember that I will always love you and hope the best for you. I have a last wish from you... I want you to marry your jungkook hyung when you will turn 15. I know that this is a very small age for marriage but It is the best decision I can make for you. Jungkook is a very good boy and he will keep you very happy with him. I have seen the love in his eyes for you. I hope that you will fulfill your Granny's last wish.

I love you!!

Taetae's sweet granny

At the end of the letter tears were falling from taehyung's eyes like a river. He sat there thinking for some time and after 1 hour he stood up and walked towards his door not before changing into a comfortable outfit.

Opening the door he walked downstairs by climbing the stairs and started to look for his parents as well as aunt and uncle. He found them sitting in the living room chatting while having tea with a movie playing on the TV.

It was almost noon. Jungkook was also sitting there but he was just blankly staring at nothing. Taehyung cleared his throat grabbing the attention of everyone sitting including Jungkook's who was lost in his thoughts a while ago. They all tried hard not to coo at the cute baby bear. Jungkook was just staring intensely at him from the moment he recognized taetae's presence.

Tae: ahmm.... Appa I want to tell you someting(cold voice)

Mr kim: Yes tae bear I am listening.(paused the movie)

Saying that mr kim gave tae all his attention and everyone was also looking at tae making him feel nervous but he was affected the most because of Jungkook's piercing gaze on his face. Noticing tae's nervousness Mrs Jeon spoke.

Mrs Jeon: Tae bear come sit here then you can tell us whatever you want to say.

Taehyung walked and sat beside Mrs Jeon.

Tae: Appa I'm ready for this marriage.

Mr kim: Ok.. what.. really??

Tae: Yes appa(small voice)

After listening to Taehyung a big smile appeared on everyone's faces including jungkook's but that smile didn't last long when Taehyung stood up and ran towards his room.

Mrs Kim: taehyung stopp..

She was about to run behind taehyung but Mr Jeon stopped her by holding her hand

Mr jeon: Don't worry he will be ok after some days. Give him some space to sort out his thoughts.

Saying that Mr Jeon patted Mr Kim's shoulder and hugged him. After that Mr Kim hugged Jungkook who was frozen on his spot. he wanted to go to Taehyung but stopped himself as tae needed some space.

Mrs Kim: Congratulations son!!(pecks his cheeks)

Jk: You are welcome aunty

Mrs Kim: Dear why are you calling ms aunty?? now you are going to be married to my baby you should also call me mom like him. You used to call me Mom. Now call me mom fast I'm waiting..

Jk: Ermm...(blush)

Mrs Jeon: What are you waiting for Jungkook(nudges him)

Jk: Ok You are welcome Mom!

Mrs Kim: That's ike my bunny!(pats his head)

After their small moment they all got busy in watching a movie unnoticing a pair of eyes looking at them with hurt.

After sometime when nobody noticed him Taehyung went towards his room and plopped himself on his bed. A sigh left past his lips.

Taehyung's POV

They all look so happy without me. Eomma didn't even care to come behind me. They only want me to marry hyungie. Grandma was the only person who cared for me truly. Why did you leave me Granny??

Tae: If Grandma wouldn't have wished for me to get married to hyung I wouldn't have gotten married to him atleast not at this age. Why you did that Grandma?

A lone pair of tear escaped his eyes but taehyung wiped it as soon as it came. And dozed off in a very uncomfortable position.

Time Skip(after 4 hours)

Jungkook entered Taehyung's room to check on him and found him sleeping in a very uncomfortable positing. Sighing he went towards him to wake him up for dinner. Caressing his hair he shook him softly.

Jk: Taehyung wake up It's time for dinner.





Hey lovelies!!

How was the chapter Hope you guys liked it. If so then please comment and vote.

Take Care of Yourself.

I love you❤

P.S: Wattpad isn't letting me post any pictures😭😭😖😞

If anyone know how to solve it plzz tell me🙏🏻🙏🏻

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