30.Made Love(M)😳💘

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Kook pecked tae's lips and went down pecking his cute chubby tummy making tae giggle loudly but those giggles soon changed into broken moans when Kook pushed his tongue in tae's navel sucking it





Warning Mature Content Ahead (Skip if you're underage or uncomfortable)

Kook sucked a few hickies on tae's tummy and moved downwards facing the wet patch on tae's panty. He inhaled the sweet scent and licked it humming at the taste. Tae whined and inhaled sharply as Kook sucked the wet patch making him moan loudly as his thighs shaked due to the mind blowing pleasure he was receiving.

Kook looked at tae making an eye contact with him and took off the panty...His eyes darkening at the smol and pink cvnt...the pretty hole clenching unclenching around nothing gushing loads of slick...Kook groaned which made tae shy as he made an attempt to cover himself from the dark gaze of his hubby...

Kook: Don't hide what's mine Baby

Kook pinned tae's wrist above his head and parted tae's thigh settling in between them...he entered his one finger in the clenching unclenching hole...and moved slowly...tae moaned feeling pleasure and soon Kook thrusted his 2nd finger which made tae scream at the pain...

Tae: nghh pull it out

Tae mumbled with teary eyes...Kook pecked tae's lips and sucked his nipples to distract him from the pain and soon Kook was thrusting his 4 fingers inside the tight wet heat while tae was moaning continuously...

Tae: mnghhh close ahh

Kook suddenly pulled out making tae whine...Stripping himself Kook took the lube and poured it on his cock...Seeing tae's nervousness Kook gave him an assuring smile and kissed him softly...

He slowly entered inside making tae scream in pain as he broke the kiss panting hard...Kook pepper kisses on tae's whole face wiping his tears...

Kook: Should I pull out??

Kook glanced at him worriedly seeing his pained expression

Tae: No wait for some time

Tae tapped Kook's arm letting Kook know he is ready Kook intertwined their hands and kissed him softly...He pulled out and thrusted back inside when he heard tae moaning from pleasure Kook gradually increased his pace...

Tae: Arghh~fasterr~

Kook: Ahh fuck you are so tight baby

The whole room echoed with the bed creaking sound, skin slapping, moans and groans of the couple...Kook fucked tae at an animalistic pace groaning at the tight warm heat surrounding his d*ck...

Tae: AM coming

Tae moaned and squirted hard...his thighs shook due to oversensitivity...Kook thrusted hard and soon came with a loud groan...Jungkook fell on tae making sure not to crush him...Tae dozed off due to being too much tired...

Kook stood up after a while and went inside the bathroom taking a wet towel he came back inside and cleaned tae with it...Taking his hoodie from the cupboard Kook made tae wear it and cooed hard looking at his baby looking so cute...

Kook changed the bed sheets and placed tae on the bed covering him with the duvet...He went to the bathroom and took a shower smiling to himself...And soon he joined tae hugging and kissing the hell outta him and slept with a big smile on his face...

At Morning

Tae whined and woke up due to the sunlight falling on his face making him look ten times more beautiful then he already is...his eyes searched the older's face and sighed seeing him sleeping cus he would be hella embarrassed if Kook would be awake...

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