20.Wan Dwadda😭🥺

342 19 9

???: Tae Bear!!





Tae looked at the direction only to see his class mate walking towards him. He chuckled bitterly. Kook's hold tightened on tae's hand when he noticed how the person was looking at his baby.

Tae: What are you doing here??

???: Aww Baby aren't you happy seeing me here??

Tae: David stop your act or else...

David: Or else what will you do huh??

David said eyeing tae with a smirk. Kook looked at him with burning eyes. He was about to punch him when tae stopped him. David smirked looking at it.

David: Who's he Baby??

Kook poked his inner cheek with his tongue. He held tae's waist with his one hand and pulled him close. Tae looked at Kook with shocked eyes.

Kook: I am his Husband fcker. Guards!!

The Guard came running towards Kook cause who would like to anger the Mafia King. Yes Kook is a Mafia King now. His father retired from his position when Kook got married and gave it to him.

Guard: Yes Sir

Kook: Throw him out and Never I repeat never let him enter inside or else I'm not gonna leave you both.

The guards bowed to Kook and dragged David out who was shouting and asking them to leave him. The guards throwed him outside the mansion like Kook ordered and closed the door at his face.

Kook's hold on tae's waist was so tight that it was starting to hurt tae now.

Tae: Hwyungie it's paining.

Listening to tae's pain filled wobbly voice Kook's angered calmed down immediately and he loosened his hold but still held tae's waist.

Kook: Am Sorry Love. Come let's meet our parents.

Kook took tae towards their parents who were busy chatting to Mr and Mrs Park but immediately excused themselves when they saw taekook.

Mrs Kim walked towards tae and hugged him hesitantly. Tae hugged her back. Then Mr Kim hugged him tightly. Tae hesitated for some time but hugged him.

Mr Kim pecked tae's forehead with glossy eyes.

Mr Kim: Bear am So-

Tae: It's ok Appa no need to say sorry.

Tae said and hugged him again while crying silently. Mr Kim wiped his tears after backing away from the hug. Then Mr and Mrs Jeon hugged tae. Kook looked at tae with a soft smile.

Suddenly they all heard an excited yell.


Jimin ran towards tae and hugged him tightly. Tae giggled at his dramatic bestie but hugged him back.

Chim: I missed you so much.

Tae: I missed you too.

They both backed away from the hug.

Chim: Happy Birthday Queen

Jimin said bowing dramatically which made tae giggle.

Tae: Thank you Chimmie

Tae: Is Gummie hyungie here??(sparkly doe eyes)

Chim: Yes let me take you to him.

Jimin took him towards Bogum who was talking to Jungkook and his hyung's with a smile. 

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