3.He's Mine😡👿

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Bogum: Bear don't be angry with your hyungie. Look I'm saying sorry to you na. I was just busy with my studies and lost contact with everyone because all the numbers were deleted from my mobile due to an accident. Won't you forgive your hyungie( blinks his eyes and acts all cute)

Tae: This isn't gonna work on me( folds his arm)

Bogum: ok I know how you will forgive me(mischievous smile)

Tae: Hyung don't( gets horrified and starts running)

(They are in the playground where no one is present as Tae's father made this playground especially for tae to study as he liked to study in an open space)

Bogum: No I'm gonna do that

He starts running after tae and catches him in a moment and starts to tickle him

Tae: hahaha hyungie hahaha stop it

Bogum: Do you forgive me? (while tickling him)

Tae: Yeah yeah hahaha I forgive you now stobb it hyung haha

Bogum: Ok (stands up from tae's back and help him to stand up)

Tae: I missed you so much hyungie(hugs him tightly)

Bogum: I also missed you my Baby bear!!

Chim: If you both are done doing your drama can we go and eat I am very much hungry.

Bogum: Ok little bro let's go!! and after that tae you both are coming with me to my house(pinch jimin's cheeks)

Tae: Ok hyung let me tell my mom(calls her but she doesn't attend the call). Hyung she's not answering

Bogum: Tae message her and tell her that you are going with me to my house.

Tae: Ok hyung (texts her and goes with bogum and chim towards canteen)

While they were busy with each other someone was taking pictures of bogum and tae and was smirking.

Lisa: Let's see Kim taehyung that will Jungkook continue to love you after seeing these pics??(starts laughing like a maniac and send these pics to jungkook through an unknown number)

At Hospital(9:00 am):

(The surgeons operated upon Jungkook and took out the bullet from his chest. Now he was resting in hospital room)

JK's mom: Why did you do that kookie?We all were so worried about you.(caress his hand)

JK: Hey mom don't worry I am fine. I was just angry I lost the deal and couldn't even catch that bastard after he shot me.

Tae's dad: Son you should try to control your anger. It is very dangerous for your health. 

Tae's mom: Yes kookie your uncle is saying right we shouldn't get angry at small things.

JK's dad: Yup Have you thought before doing that what would have happened to us without you? (twist his ears)

JK: Okay! Okay! I said I'm sorry I won't do it again. You people should go home and rest don't worry about me.

Jk's mom: What are you talking about Kookie How can we leave you here alone.

JK: Mom don't worry about me Go and rest I will call Namjoon Hyung and Suga hyung to come here.

Jk's dad: Darling he is  right let's go and rest. It's late let's go suga and namjoon will be with him.

Jk's mom: Ok let's go Kookie take care of yourself we will come tomorrow to take you home.

Jk: Ok mom and eomma did taehyung came home?? Why didn't he come to meet me?? I mean is he ok??

Tae's mom: Kookie he is at Chim's house. Bogum came back from abroad so tae is with them in Bogum's penthouse. He said that he will stay there tonight.

Jk: Eomma call him right now and ask him to come home. 

Tae's dad: But why son?

JK:  Dad try to understand Our enemies will try to harm him because they know that I am in the hospital and right now you are all with me and he is there without the guards

Tae's mom: Ok! Bunny don't stress yourself I'm calling Taehyung( calls tae)

JK: Eomma put it on speaker.

Tae's mom: Ok kookie(puts the call on speaker)

Tae: Hello mom.

Tae's mom: Hi baby! Come back home fast

Tae: Why mom? Is everything okay?

Tae's mom: Yep everything is okay but come home fast.(hands the phone to Jungkook and goes out with tae's dad)

Tae: Mom I don't wanna come back home. I am having fun with chim and gummie hyungie. I promise that I will come early tomorrow. Hey hyungie don't kiss me!! I'm talking on the phone.

Bogum: Oh sorry Tae(speaks from background)


Jk: How dare you Park fucking Bogum to kiss my baby. You're never gonna get him. HE'S MINE ONLY MINE.





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