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Tae: I love you more





Both the couples were doing their respective works well only taehyung was doing while Jungkook was busy pecking his shoulders and everywhere he could.

Tae whined and pushed Kook away as it was distracting him.

Kook: Baby stop this work it's almost midnight.

Tae ignored Kook and continued to type. Kook took the laptop from tae's lap and placed it on the table beside. Tae tried to get it only to get lifted by a muscle bunny and being throwed on the bed by Kook.

Tae: Hyungie I want to do my work

Kook: First stop calling me Hyungie

Tae: Why?!?

Kook: It makes me feel old

Tae: Then what should I call you

Kook: Anything you want but not Hyungie

Tae: Okay fine I'll call you Koo happy??

Kook: Very much

Tae smiled at Kook and pecked his cheeks.

Tae: Now lemme do my work

Before tae could get off from the bed Kook hugged him tightly making him lay down on the bed. Tae whined but eventually stopped struggling and hugged Kook back.

Kook: Baby pack your clothes in the morning

Tae: Why??

Kook: We are going somewhere

Tae: Where??

Kook: It's a surprise

Tae: Koo tell me na pwease

Kook closed his eyes while tae whined to him to tell him where they are going. At the end tae huffed and laid on the other side backfacing Kook. Kook moved forward and hugged tae circling his arms around his baby's tiny waist.

Kook pecked his cheeks and slept while hugging him. Tae too slept after sometime placing his hand on Kook's larger ones.


Tae stood at the airport with wide doe eyes and mouth wide open. Kook chuckled and closed his baby's mouth pecking his lips afterward breaking tae off his shocked state. Tae squealed and hugged Kook tightly.

Tae: Thank you Hyu- Koo for taking me to Paris I really wanted to visit Paris Thank you

Kook giggled receiving the big big smooches of his baby on his handsome faceu hugging his baby as well not minding the people looking at them.


As soon as they reached Paris a car came to take them to the penthouse they were going to stay at. Tae was on Kook's lap hugging him while his head placed on Kook's chest and eyes closed as he was literally too much tired after the long journey.

Kook was caressing his back time to time pecking his baby's squishy cheeks. As they reached the penthouse Kook thanked the driver and came out with a baby Koala latched onto him. Kook went inside the bedroom and placed tae on the bed taking off his shoes.

As the clothes tae was wearing were quite comfortable so Kook didn't asked tae to change and went to take a shower. Kook changed into his PJs his upper body completely naked displaying his hard abs and chocolatey nipples.

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