28. Confession & Proposal🥳🍷

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Kook: Fck stop me Baby





Jungkook nuzzled in tae's neck inhaling his addictive scent to calm down cus he know if he lose control he wouldn't be able to stop.

Tae caressed Kook's head and hugged him tightly. Both slept in the same position.

Next Day

Tae woke up and rubbed his eyes. With a pout he looked at his side only to find a cute bunny aka his hubby sleeping while hugging his waist. Tae looked at Kook with love filled eyes and admired his cute bunny like yet handsome face.

He traced his finger on Kook's nose which made Kook to scrunch his nose cutely and tae giggled aloud seeing that. He leaned down to smooch kook's cheek.

Kook: It's bad to take advantage of a sleeping person baby

Tae blushed hard listening to kook's raspy morning voice. Kook smooched tae's cheek and hugged his tomato.

Tae sighed in relief and snuggled more into kook's warm embrace.

Tae: hyungie I've to go to office

Kook: hmmm i know let's lay like this for some time then you can go.

Laying down in the same position for 5 or 6 minutes kook got up from the bed

Kook: Baby you go and get ready I'll make the breakfast

Tae looked at Kook confused

Tae: Hyung you aren't going to office??

Kook: No I've something important to do

Kook hide his smirk with a smile and went downstairs to prepare breakfast. Tae shrugged and went to get ready.

 Tae shrugged and went to get ready

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Tae walked downstairs. He looked at Kook who was lost in thoughts while cooking. Tae walked towards him and hugged him from behind. He pecked Kook's ear which made kook to smile.

Tae: Is everything alright hyungie.

Kook turned around after turning the stove off. He pecked tae's lips and hugged him caressing his head lightly.

Kook: Yeah everything is fine Baby you don't worry your pretty head

Kook placed a peck on tae's forehead and backed away.

Kook: Go and sit I'll come with the breakfast.

Tae shook his head

Tae: Hyung let me help you

Tae quickly took the dishes and walked out before Kook could stop him. Kook chuckled and walked towards the dining table after getting the remaining things

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