26.Missed you 🥺🤧

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??: What you want to tell me??





Everyone's attention went towards the new voice. The person came forward and Seojoon ran and hugged him tight. The person hugged him back smiling.

Seo: Hyung I missed you so much.

Seojoon said backing away from the hug. The said hyung ruffled his hair and smiled lightly. Tae gulped thickly and was about to sneak away when he got stopped by the person holding his wrist.

??: Tae where you going??

Taehyung laughed nervously and scratched his nape embarrassed.

Tae: hehe nowhere hyungshik hyungie

Shik: Won't you hug hyungie???

Tae: Sorry hyung I have something to do.

Tae said and ran away from there before Hyungshik could say something. He looked at Seojoon confused.

Shik: Why is he behaving like this???

Seo: Ermmm... I'll tell you later. Hyungie meet Mr Jeon.

Hyungshik forwarded his hand to Jungkook for shaking. Jungkook looked at the forwarded hand confused but shook his hands with him shrugging.

Shik: Nice to meet you Mr Jeon

Kook: Same here Mr Park

Jungkook introduced all his hyung's to Hyungshik and they all greeted each other and started talking. Kook was talking to Hyungshik but his mind was drifting to certain someone.

Kook: Ok Mr Park We are getting late We have to leave Let's meet some other time.

Shik: Sure why not and Take care.

Jungkook thanked him and then walked out with his Hyungs.

Shik: Isn't he tae's husband Jeon Jungkook???

Seo: Yeah I hope they sort out the matter before it gets too late.

Hyungshik sighed and nodded his head feeling worried for tae.

Shik: Is he ok??

Seo: He looks ok but he isn't. Hyung you must be tired. Let's go home and rest. We'll talk with tae later.

Although Hyungshik didn't wanted to leave tae alone but it was the best option so he left with Seojoon having no choice promising himself to have a talk with tae tomorrow.

Next Day

Taehyung woke up at the sound of the alarm ringing and went to the washroom to do his daily routine. He looked in the mirror and sighed sadly when he noticed how he was looking.

His eyes had dark circles under them and were red because of crying and lack of sleep. He was sure people would judge him thinking that he take drugs or something.

Not Minding it he shook his head to remove the unwanted thoughts and washed his face. He then took a shower and changed into a classy outfit.

He took his car keys and went downstairs. Drinking a glass of fresh water he went towards his car and drove to his office skipping his breakfast as he was too tired to make one. He likes silence so he doesn't allow anyone inside his house when he is there.

The maids come when he isn't here and clean the house and do the laundry. About food he eat it from outside or skips it as he doesn't like to cook and he's too lazy to cook as well.

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