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Jk: So if you want I can drop you at Jimin's house and when others will come back you can return. Only if you are uncomfortable with the idea of staying with me.(murmurs the last part with a sad voice)

Tae: It's okay hyung No need to drop me at Jimin's house. I'll stay with you.

JK: Okay (replies with a small smile)

Rest of the car ride was very comfortable between them and they both enjoyed each other's company.

(Time Skip)

After 5 days

By now tae's and jungkook's parents have returned from their business trip. During these 5 days jungkook had been very nice with taehyung and treated him with care.

 Tae also started to talk to him normally but still there was some distance present between them.

Everyone was sitting in the dining room having their breakfast when suddenly Mr Jeon spoke gaining the attention of everyone including Jungkook.

Mr Jeon: Jungkook today come early from the office we all want to talk to you and taehyung about something important.

JK: Is everything ok Appa??

Mr Jeon: Yes young man everything is perfectly fine. We just want to discuss something important with you.

Jk: hmm ok

Rest of the breakfast passed peacefully. After the breakfast everyone departed to their respective works. Tae went back to his room to sleep as he didn't had anything to do since he got a month long vacation from his uni.





Hey lovelies!!

Sorry for the short chapter and slow updates. Something urgent came up so I had to write it short. I will update the next chapter hopefully after a few hours but if not then I will update it tomorrow. And about tae going to uni so as you know he is very intelligent so he skipped a few classes and same with Jimin and also their families are mafia plus it's a ff so anything can  happen.

Bye Bye!!👋

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