23.Sexy baby🔥🔥(S.M)

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Kook: Tae what happened open the door





Kook was knocking at the door continuously. Tae opened the door and quickly latched onto Kook circling his legs around his waist hugging him tightly. Kook stood there shocked.

Tae whimpered scared. Kook patted his back to calm him down. Kook took him towards the bed and sat on it making tae straddle his lap

Kook: What happened baby??

Tae: light..ning

Tae stuttered making Kook confused. The sound of thunder came again which made tae scared and he flinched hard hugging kook like his life depended on it.

Kook: Aww is my Baby scared??

Tae nodded his head in Kook's neck. Kook pecked tae's neck and stood up to close the windows. He tried to make tae lay down but tae held his hand tightly looking at him with teary eyes making kook coo. He caressed tae's cheeks and spoke softly.

Kook: Baby lemme close the window okay??

Tae left Kook's hand hesitantly. Kook smiled at him and hurriedly went and closed the windows. Turning of the lights he slipped beside tae who hugged him tightly and came on top of him.

Kook pecked tae's forehead and hugged him back. Tae looked up when Kook brushed off a few strands of hair from his face and tucked them behind his ear. Both the eyes were staring at each other intensely.

Kook's gaze fell on tae's lip and he licked his lips. Tae looked at where Kook was looking and blushed hard. Unknowingly tae leaned in which made Kook also lean in.

Both their lips met in a sweet kiss. Kook pressed his lips on tae for some minutes and then slowly moved them against tae's kissing him softly. Tae tried to follow Kook and started kissing him messily.

Kook smiled in the kiss and backed away to check if tae was uncomfortable. And noticed that tae was enjoying it just like him and wasn't even a tiniest bit uncomfortable. Kook was gonna hug tae again but then he noticed what tae was wearing.

 Kook was gonna hug tae again but then he noticed what tae was wearing

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🔥Slight Mature Content 🔥

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His eyes darkened seeing the smooth collarbones he so wanted to mark. Tae's cleavage area was a little exposed as the dress straps were falling on his shoulders. Tae followed Kook's gaze and his already red face was now looking like a strawberry. His baby was looking so sexy.

Getting some courage tae took Kook's hand and placed it on his boobies. Kook looked at tae shocked he was gonna faint but hearing tae's word he changed his decision and decided to die.

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