15.Little taetae 🥺😘

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After 1 month (Am sorry 😭)

Tae's exams had finished now. He wasn't at home most of the time as he would leave to study with his friends and would come by 8 after having dinner and then study till late night. This whole month ungkook didn't got time to spend with tae as he was super busy with exam.

Tae would leave before Kook woke up and come to sleep when Kook would have slept mostly he would sleep on his study table itself but kook made sure he was safe and sent bodyguards with him . As kook also had a new branch of his company launching in London so he was also busy preparing for it.

Now both of them were free. It was almost noon tae was sitting in the living room watching TV when he got a call from his bestie. Tae talked with Jimin for half an hour and then decided to visit him as they both haven't met since tae's wedding.

Cutting the call tae walked upstairs and entered their room. He then changed in a comfortable outfit.

Tae decided to call and inform Jungkook before leaving

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Tae decided to call and inform Jungkook before leaving. Jungkook picked up on the first ring itself.

(Italic Kook Simple Tae)

Hello Taehyung everything okay?!?

Yes hyung Actually hyung can I go to Jimin's Mansion?



Ohh Sorry Yes you can but take the driver and bodyguards with you and come home before 8. Am I clear?!?

Yes Hyung I promise. 


Thank You hyung Bye!


Tae cut the call and then went to the car. He enjoyed the whole day with Jimin and Bogum . Baking cookies to Splashing water on each other they did everything.

They were watching movies while having popcorns. When tae's eyes widened and he backed away from Bogum. He unlocked his phone and saw the time but sighed in relief when he saw it was just 7:30.

He stood up and looked at Jimin and Bogum with an apologetic look which mad the other two frown.

Tae: Hyungie Chim Am sorry I've to go now.

Chim: Tae can't you stay for some time more.

Tae: Chim I can't Hyung must have reached home by now.

Chim: Please taetae.

Jimin whined loudly. Tae looked at Bogum who nodded his head at him.

Bogum: Chim let him go taetae will come some other time right?!?

Tae: Yeah please Chim Hyung will be angry.

Chim: Fine you go taetae.

Tae: Thank you Bye.

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