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Hearing taehyung asking him to leave Jungkook's eyes became glossy but he did not let his tears fall in front of taehyung and replied in a blank tone with his head lowered.

JK: Ok don't get angry I..I'm going to get the discharge papers from the doctor.

Hearing no reply from taehyung he put the things on the table and went outside whispering to himself.

JK: I am sorry baby. I will make you forgive me love even if I have to beg you for that(determined tone)

After Jungkook left the room Taehyung took the cake and started to eat. He was feeling guilty of treating Jungkook like this but he knew that if he wanted him to change he had to do it although he knew that he had started to change but decided to make him suffer more.

Tae: Just wait a little time hyung after that I will forgive you although my heart have already forgiven you*smiles*(stuffs his mouth with the pastry)


As soon as I walked out of the room tears started to fall from my eyes unknowingly. My baby shouted at me for the first time ever. I surely had hurt him much that's why he isn't even eating his favorite pastry.

Jk: I will make you forgive me baby. I am too selfish to let you go(determined tone)*wipes his tears harshly*

Author's POV

After taking  the discharge reports from the doctor Jungkook started to walk towards tae's room. When he opened the door he was on cloud nine seeing his baby looking so cute eating the pastries messily.

*I just wanna hide him from the world my cute baby* Jungkook thought

As soon as Tae saw Jungkook he stopped eating the pastries and awkwardly looked at him as if he got caught stealing . Jungkook passed him a smile.

JK: Let's go. I got the discharge papers.

Tae: Hmm

Taehyung tried to stand but couldn't because of the weakness he was feeling.  Jungkook lifted him in bridal style.

Tae: wha..what arr.e you doinggg hyung?*blush*(stutters)

JK: dancing(done face). I'm carrying you because you aren't able to walk.

tae: Ohh

Seeing Jungkook's this side taehyung was very shocked. This was the very first time his hyung acted like this with him. Yeahh he talked to others with a smile but whenever he used to talk with taehyung he would maintain a poker face and always reply to him coldly or worst he would ignore him. But seeing his hyung like this he was very happy and he wished he would remain like that always.

Jungkook carried him towards the car and place him on the seat next to him buckling his seatbelt. Handing tae the bunny and closing the door Jungkook went to the other side and sat on the driver seat. Jungkook noticed that tae still had that blank expression on his face which made him feel hurt.

JK: Taehyung I forgot to inform you that Eomma, Appa, Mom and Dad went on a business trip as they had a very urgent meeting with a client in russia. There will be no one in the house so if you are uncomfortable..

Tae: hmmm(asking him to continue)

JK: So if you want....





How was it😀

Ok I know its short and am sorry for that. Enjoy reading and Vote and comment.😉

Lub chu😘❤

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