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Jungkook looked at the sofa but tae wasn't there. He look here and there but couldn't find tae. He quickly went to the Security Room.

Kook: Show me the footage of the whole company

Guard: Sir is eve-


Jungkook's heart was beating loud in fear and worry. He sighed in relief when he saw tae walking in the corridors of the 2nd Floor. Kook clenched his jaw in anger and walked out of the room to reach tae.

Tae was walking here and there exploring the building with big doe round eyes. He looked at everything in awe. Suddenly, he heard Kook's voice from behind.

Kook: Love

Tae: Hyungie!!

Tae smiled at him. Kook lifted tae and hugged tae tightly nuzzling his face in tae's crook. Tae glanced at Kook worriedly and patted his back . He was finding it difficult to breath because of how tightly Kook was hugging him.

Tae: Hyungie?!?

Kook: Hmm

Kook snuggled into tae's neck more. The hot breaths of Kook on tae's neck made tae shiver.

Tae: What happened??

Kook: Nothing Love.

Kook clenched his fists remembering  what happened in the meeting.


It had been 2 hours since Kook had been in the meeting but the other CEO couldn't stop talking which made Kook irritated as hell. He was about to snap on him but stopped when he saw his phone ringing. It was a call from an unknown number.

Kook: Excuse me It's important.

Kook went out of the room and attended the call. His blood boiled when he heard someone saying

??: The Countdown has begun Jeon I'll take your Baby away from you just like you did. He's in your office right??

Kook cut the call in anger and hurriedly drove towards his company.

Flashback end

Kook lifted tae which made tae yelp.

Tae: Hyungie what you doing?? Everyone is staring

Kook chuckled which made tae blush and he hid his face Kook's neck hugging him. Kook opened the door of his cabin and sat on his chair with tae on his lap.

Kook detached tae from himself and looked at him with a stern face.

Kook: Baby what I said before coming here??

Tae looked down. Kook made tae look up.

Kook: Look at me and tell me Taehyung what I said??

Tae's eyes became glossy when he heard Kook's stern voice and him calling tae with his full name. 

Tae: Dwadda aswked taetae to stway whele Dwadda aswked....awnd....nwot....to....roawm withlout....Dwadda

Tae said sniffling with glossy eyes trying not to cry. Kook's all anger vanished in thin air when tae slipped.

Tae: Taetae is sowwy Dwadda.

Kook: It's okay Princess Dadda forgave his Little princess okay now don't cry.

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