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After an hour of Jungkook crying in Jin's embrace, everyone left the hospital towards their home on Jungkook's insistence. Bogum was hesitant at first but eventually agreed to leave after visiting tae who was still unconscious. 

Jungkook went inside the room and sat on the chair placed near taehyung's bed. He took his hands in his own and tears gathered in his eyes after seeing his love in such a state because of him.

JK: I'm sorry baby(pecks his hand and then his forehead and hugs him)

In Morning

After crying for hours Jungkook was sleeping on the chair in a very uncomfortable position. His head was on tae's chest and his hands were still holding tae's hand.

Tae's POV

God knows after how many hours my eyes started to open. I could feel a weight on my chest. When I looked down my breath hitched, the sight in front of me was nothing but just adorable and cute. Hyung was laying on my chest with a cute pout adorning his face. 

How can a cold person look this cute?? I was busy admiring him when suddenly all that had happened came back to my mind and tears started to gather in my eyes. But I had promised myself that I wouldn't cry again and I will make this dumb bunny realize his mistake. 

So, wiping my eyes I gently try to take my hand from his hand hoping not to wake him up in the process but guess what luck wasn't on my side and he woke up.

JK: Are you okay tae?? Should I call the doc..(cut off)

His eyes were red from crying and it felt as if he had just slept an hour ago.

Tae: No I'm fine(cold voice)

JK: Do you wanna eat something??

Tae: No!!

JK: tae you haven't..(cut off)

Tae: Hyung just leave me alone Ok!!(angry voice)

Author's POV

After hearing tae's anger filled voice, Jungkook was on the verge of crying but he controlled himself and left the room. 

Jungkook sat on the sofa placed outside the room. He was hurt by the younger's anger filled voice but he knew that he deserved it after all the words he had said to his baby in anger. 

But now he had to make his baby eat something. So after gathering some courage he went to the mall to buy a strawberry cake for tae hoping that taehyung would atleast eat it. 

Tae was well aware that his words had hurt jungkook but he just wanted Jungkook to realize how much taehyung was hurt because of his coldness and because of his rude words.

 Being the kindest person Tae just wanted to go and hug his hyung but he knew that he should make his hyung realize his mistake and for that he had to make jungkook realize how much he had hurt him. And the best way to do it was to act cold in front of him.

Tae: I'm sorry hyung but I have to do it. You have hurted me so much. I have to make you realize that what you said was wrong even if you said it in anger.(whisper to himself with sad eyes)

After 30 minutes

Jungkook came in the room with a strawberry cake in his one hand and other held the bunny plushie which he bought for tae when he bought the cake. Tae was staring at Jungkook with cold eyes which he noticed but shrugged it off even though it hurt him.

JK: Tae here look I bought your favorite cake

Tae: Hyung I said that I don't want to eat anything(coldly)

JK: But look it is your favorite cake and I also bought a..(cut off)






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Lub ywou 😘❤

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