yandere ray headcanons

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Word count: 376

* he fell for you when you were both younger, so around 6-7

* he remembers he caught feeling after telling Isabella he knows about the demons

* he will kill if needed but would prefer not to

* He doesn't really want you to figure out about the demons, not yet

* he would rather tell you right before you escape

* If you were to figure out about the demons, he would manipulate you into thinking it was just a dream

* And of course, you would believe him its ray! why would he lie to you

* he would not tell Isabella about his crush on you since she could use it against him

* but he will look at the score book at night to make sure you're doing good if you're not. He will find some way to Forge it

* When emma and norman find out about the demons they mention telling you, but Ray says no, saying, "we don't need another stupid person to look after."

* When you're in the library, he'll pretend to read, but really, he's just staring at you

* If anyone makes you upset, he will get passed, but he can hide it, but not forever

* After you too get together, he's really affectionate

* he knows he has to make it to the human world with you

* You make him less emo

* he wants at least 3 kids

* When you are both of age, he suggests the idea of children

* If you were in the demon realm still he will protect both you and your child

* When you are pregnant, he will do everything and anything for you

* he never lets you go on missions

* When you're pregnant or have had one of your children, his jealousy gets ten times worse, not of the baby of everyone trying to help you

* when you get pregnant again norman Suggests you two slow down on the baby making that doesn't ray happy if you don't want to slow down he won't he wants as many babies as he can get

* norman tells him he's putting you and your children into dangerous situations he will get Extra pissed

* You and your little family are his main focus, and he will do anything for you

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