prom date

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Genre : fluff

Word count : 1022

Rays pov

I was walking down the hallway when I saw emma and norman gathered up near a poster on the wall.

" What's so interesting?" Norman turned his head towards me.

" proms coming up on the 17th."

" Are you kidding who cares?"

" Everyone, does everyone's gonna be talking about it!"

" Yeah, it's still stupid, though."

I could care less about prom it just reminded me about how I still haven't asked out someone.  that certain someone showed up right behide me.

" Hey Ray!"

" Oh hey, Y/n."

" Oh, proms coming up!" She seemed excited it's so cute when she's excited.

" Yeah, it is, but why would you want to go to something stupid like that."

" You're right, ray. I would like to go but It would be boring without a date."

A date wait, this is perfect. I could ask Y/n to the prom!

" Hey, Y/n!"

" yeah ray"

" Do you -"

The bell rang, although I didn't have class. Y/n did.

" Oh, I'm sorry, Ray. we can talk after class, see you!" She ran off to her next class, and norman looked at me.

" So you gonna ask her to prom, huh?"

" Of course I am."

" I can't believe your actually maning up and are gonna ask her since ore classes are done for the day let's get you something nice to wear to prom and get back before she's done we have 1 hour."

"norman you really think we can do all that in an hour."

" Yes, if we stop talking and hurry up." Norman ran to his car, and I followed behind him.

" All right, let's go." Norman drove us to a nice store. The problem is I have no money with me.

" norman, I have like no money for clothes like that, and you know it."

" I know, but I need to get something to wear too, so I will pay."  We walked into the fancy store, and it was huge.

" so ray what are you looking for?"

" I have no idea."

" All right then, what color tie do you want?"

" black."

" Good choice. Know what cloud suit you want?"

" black."

" Ray, don't be basic."

" Fine dark green."

" That's more like it."

I picked out a black tie that norman tried to argue was no basic, but I didn't really care and picked out a dark green suit. Norman ended up picking a white tie and white suit talk about basic.

" Didn't you just say I'm basic?"

" Yes, I did ray, but I look good."

" ok then, so do we need anything else."

" shoes."

" I have shoes."

" You have boots, and you wear them every single day. You need dress shoes."

" Fine, fine." Norman showed me to where the shoes are, and I picked out some black dress shoes.

" ray-"

" Don't you dare norman I'm not wearing white dress shoes."

" Fine." Once we were done shopping, we paid and got back into Norman's car.

" so ray know all you have to do is ask Y/n to be your date."

" Yeah..."

" What's wrong?"

" I'm just worried what if she says no."

" Ray, you've been friends with Y/n for years. I don't know how you didn't relieve, but she blushes whenever you show up ray she probably waiting for you to ask her out!"

" She does?"

" Yeah!"

" Well, when let's go!"

" What?"

" Drive me to the flower shop then drive me to her house let's go!"

" ok, ok." Norman drove me to the flower shop and I bought red roses and then he drove me to Y/ns hours and I knocked on the door and she opened it.

" Oh uh hi ray, what's with the flowers and outfit."

" These are for you, and I need to ask you something, Y/n." I handed her the roses, and she blushed.

" Thank you so much, Ray, and what do you want to ask me?"

" Will you go to prom with me?"

" I'm sorry, I should have said that differently. Let me say it again."

" Ray..." I stared into her eyes, and out of nowhere, she kissed my cheek and grabbed my hands."

" Of course I will go to prom with you ray, but there's something else."

" Thank you! What the other thing?"

" I want to go to the prom with my boyfriend."

" Will you be my girlfriend, Y/n?"

" Of course I will ray." We could hear Norman's weird clapping, and Y/n looked at me.

" Sorry, my mom took my car, and norman had to drive me everywhere today."

" That's ok. You better say thank you too, norman, though." She walked towards Norman's car and told him to roll the window down and kiss him on the cheek.

" Thank you, norman."

" You're welcome, Y/n." Y/n turned towards be and kissed me on the lips.

" I'll see you tomorrow, ray.~"

" See you tomorrow."

" Bye, love you, Ray." She walked back into her house and waved back at me.

" Love you too!" I got back in Norman's car, and he drove me home. Then the 17th cane it was prom night, and I wanted to go pick up Y/n. When I got to her house, she looked beautiful.

" wow Y/n you look beautiful."

" Thank you, Ray."

"So you wanna get going?" I got closer to her and grabbed her hand, and kissed it gently.

" Of course."

A few hours later, I sat down on a bench, and Y/n sat by me.

" This is boring. Nothing cool has happened."

" yeah your right." I look towards Y/n and think of an idea. And grab her hand.

" Let's go." I pulled her off the bench and started walking towards the exit.

" Where are we going?"

" You'll see." I lead her outside to my car and drive towards where we are going.

" Are you really not gonna tell me?"

" Nope, it's a surprise, sweetheart." I wink and stop the car.

" Here we are." It was a cherry tree farm. Also called a confession tree.

" Ray, it's so beautiful."

" Y/n?"

"Yes, Ray?"

" I love you, Y/n."

" I love you too, Ray."

Ray Tpn OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now