hide and go seek

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Genre : fluff slight yandere

Word count: 777

Rays pov

I sat under the same tree, like I always do. The others were playing the same game of tag over and over like always. I couldn't get into the mood to read. All I could think of was Y/n oh sweet Y/n. She's so kind, beautiful. I love her personality, but there's one thing she's horrible at games of tag or anything really, especially hide and go seek. But I will attempt when every they play hide and go seek. I can't help but play, too. That'd happen when I heated footsteps and saw norman running towards me.

" Hey Ray, were gonna play hide and go seek you wanna?"

I smiked and closed my book and placed it on the ground.

" Finally playing something different huh sure I'll play. Is Y/n playing?"

" Yeah, Y/ns playing. Why do you wanna know?

The good thing she is, this is my chance to make her mine. And to get rid of anyone in my way of making her mine.

" Just wanted to know. norman, do you think I can be the seeker?"

" yeah sure ray you, he seeker. Come look in 3 minutes, alright."

I nodded, and norman ran off. This will be a piece of cake. Most of them have tag skills, but nobody's as good as I am at hide and go seek. So it shouldn't be hard to find Y/n. After 3 minutes, I started to walk around it wasn't hard to find the little kids. Then I found nat, emma and gilda. After I found those three, I took out my small pocket knife. Then I saw Don and pushed him to the ground.

" Ray, what the hell!"

" Shut it, Don, or else!"

" Fine, what do you want from me, Ray?"

" You to stay away from Y/n she's mine."

" No, she isn't she's not yours!"

" Then who's is she, huh! is she yours Don, is she?"

Don looked at me pissed he looks like he wanted to kill me.

" Who's is she's Don is she with someone or not!"

" No, she's not, but stay away from her."

" I won't also you are out."

I walked away from Don until I went back towards him and showed him my pocket knife.

" If you don't stay away from Y/n, I won't hesitate to use it on you. "

After that, I found norman, and the last person left was Y/n. I walked towards a clearing in the forest where Y/n was sitting.

" yo Y/n found you."

" Awh, this sucks I thought I was gonna win."

Y/n looked down and frowned. I felt bad she looked sad she never really wins these types of games.

" You know what, Y/n sweetheart, I'll give you the win if you give me something in return."

" Really, you will ray!"

"Yeah, I will. now you wanna know what I want?"

" Yes."

" I wanna kiss not on the cheek on the lips."

Y/n looked up at me and blushed.

" You want a kiss?"

" Yes."

" ok."

Y/n leaned up and kissed me on the lips it was better than I ever imagined. I wanted to kiss her again, and again, she's so perfect.

" I'm sorry if it was bad. I've never kissed before."

" I was incredible. Y/n thank you now
One more thing."

" Thank you, Ray, and what is it?"

" Will you be my girlfriend?"

" Reall you want me to be your girlfriend?"

" Yes Y/n I do."

" Of course I will be ray."

Y/N kissed me on the cheek, and we made our way towards the others. Y/n talked about how she finally won a game and then she started talking about how we kissed and how I asked her to be my girlfriend which made me blush now I'm gonna get teased but aleast Y/ns mine now.

" Hey Ray."

" Oh hey norman."

" So I heard about your kiss with Y/n and how you asked her to be your girlfriend."

" Yeah, I did what about it."

" Is that why you asked me if Y/ns playing so you can find her last and finally ask her out."

" You're right norman that Is why pretty good plan if I say so. I'm just happy she accepted."

" You're right it was a good plan good for you, Ray. Oh, Ray, it seems your girlfriends are coming over here. Should I go?" Norman smiked.

" Yeah, you should."

Norman walked off, and Y/n smiled at me and held my hand.

" I love you, Ray."

" I love you too, Y/n."

Ray Tpn OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now