Shes Mine!

209 0 0

Genre: yandere

Word count: 557

3rd person pov

This all started early that day when Ray saw Norman talking his precious Y/n! Norman even had the guts to make Y/n laugh! He Had already had to get rid of someone this week that someone was Don. In Ray's opinion, Don didn't know when to stop. No matter how many times Ray threatened him her still went back and talked to Y/n every single time. So Ray had to take matters into his own hands and got don shipped out. " That's what happens when you don't listen, Don." Ray thought. But now Ray was focused on taking Norman out.

"Come out, come out come out where ever you are, Norman!" Ray shouted.

It was a perfect time to take out Norman. Everyone was outside playing tag. Norman hid in his room as Ray rummaged around Norman's room, trying to find him.

" Come on Norman your the one who got yourself into this situation!" Ray shouted.

" How did I get myself into this situation?" Norman asked, still hiding.

" You couldn't stop talking to Y/n!" Ray shouted.

" Y/n really, this is what this is about Y/ns my friend. I'm not gonna stop talking to her ray!" Norman shouted back.

" Yes, this is what this is about, and if you don't stop talking to Y/n, you're gonna end up like Don!" Ray shouted back.

" What happened to Don?" Norman asked.

" I got him shipped out he was just like you couldn't stop talking to Y/n, but unlike Don, you're smart, Norman. Why don't you just never talk to Y/n again, and we can act like this never happened." Ray replied.

Norman still stayed hidden up, and he considered coming out of hiding. that was until he poked his head the corner and saw Ray holding something sharp it was a knife. " What the hell happened to Ray?" Norman thought. " I have to get out of here and run. I need to run to Mother. She'll stop Ray!" Norman thought as he stood up and ran towards the window. Ray looked at him and grabbed onto his shoulder.

" I don't want to do this, Norman!" Ray yelled.

" Then don't!" Norman yelled back.

" Will you talk to Y/n ever again."

" Ray I-" Norman said up was cut off by the knife meeting his chest.

" Ray..." Norman muttered.

" To bad Norman, I don't care anymore." Ray said as he turned his back he opened the door and looked around, making sure no one was around. Ray picked up Norman's body. " Now , just throw him over the wall." Ray thought. Ray brought Norman's body to the wall and threw it over Ray, then changed his clothes and sat down at his tree.

" What are you read today, Ray?" Y/n ran up to Ray and asked.

" Oh, nothing special." Ray chuckled in response and put his book on the ground.  Y/n sat down next to Ray, laughing.

" Oh yeah, Ray, do you know where Norman is? I haven't seen him at all today?" Y/n asked.

" I don't know. Y/n I haven't seen him all day either."

" That's weird." Y/n said, trying to think of where Norman could possibly be.

" Yeah, that is weird, isn't it?" Ray responded. Opening his book again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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