Chapter eighteen

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Since David Corp was dying to do business with Wallace corporation, a meeting was set up, a lunch meeting at Doryn's restaurant. Gelma as his PA was present. Mr. Dimitri and miss Jonas where part of Mr. Wallace's entourage. The table was big and could accommodate ten persons. The Wallace corporation sat opposite to the David's corporation. She looked at the two men who were seated opposite her. She felt at ease being with them unlike the turmoil brewing in her whenever she was around these three people she was seated with. She felt same with the boss's driver. It was now she realized the sheer difference of how settled she was around people. It was only with some people of the Wallace lcorporation that she felt uneasy due to an irresistible aura, emanating from them. The effect was so strong that it required your submissiveness. She swallowed, what was different about these Wallace corporation? Was it the power and wealth they possessed that made them think of themselves to be so powerful and domineering? They were really intimidating. The men she sat across didn't look that comfortable, guess she wasn't the only one feeling off about them. They had just arrived and were told the CEO of David Corp was going to be a few seconds late because of an issue. Mr. Wallace had argued that nothing was relevant enough to be late for a meeting as important as this, forgetting that he had ditched the meeting this morning.
"Mr. Jonathan Wallace". A tall svelte man walked in the meeting room, it was a secluded room for formal meetings such as this.
He had green eyes, high cheek bones and hollow jaws, he was indeed handsome. While she was busily ogling at the young vibrant man who had initiated a hand shake with her boss, she didn't notice the glare that was boring holes at her side.
"Mr. Tyler Davids". Nathan reciprocated the greeting with a forced smile.
They both sat down, ready to commence with the meeting when Tyler's gaze met with hers, he couldn't help but wink at the beautiful girl across him. He had never seen such mesmerizing ocean blue eyes, her hair seemed soft as silk, her fair skin was attractive and her allure was calling out for his attention. He felt drawn to her already. Gelma received his playboy gesture with a sheepish smile, irking the man beside her. She thought she was hallucinating when she felt a light brush on her thigh. The touch was electrocuting, she whipped her head to her boss her eyes carrying tones of questions.
"When you're with me, you smile to no one else but me". He whispered into her left ear, his feathered voice causing her to shudder.
Tyler starred at them, squinting his eyes and wondering what he was saying to the pretty girl while Nathalie's eyes went saucers hearing what Nathan had said. Her blood was already boiling above one hundred degrees Celsius. Romeo gave her a knowing look, she hesitated for a while before placing her fake smile. Gelma was having difficulties in believing that her boss just uttered those words. Professionalism be damned no boss had authority over his employees' facial expressions. She could smile to anyone God damn it. And why would she give her innocent smile to a devil like him?
The meeting went on as every ordinary meeting, with her jutting down every single thing. To Mr. Wallace, every single dot was of importance. She couldn't help but notice the usual glare she was receiving from her right side, her left side wasn't an exception. In order for her not to lose focus on her work, she kept her eyes on the handsome man who kept throwing charming smiles her way.
Sooner than she had anticipated, the meeting came to an end. This meeting was unusually brief. Others would take two or more hours but this was just thirty minutes. The deal had been made though but that didn't guarantee another meeting with Mr. Tyler... she wasn't sure of meeting him directly again.
Immediately the meeting was over, Nathan unceremoniously pulled her out of the room, the others tailing them. She was speechless seeing how immature he was acting. She wasn't his property so why was he acting so possessively towards her?
He pulled her right up to the building's garage where their cars were.
"Elisha would drive you guys to the office. Gelma and I need to do some talking". He said to Romeo. Romeo nodded and gestured for Nathalie to get in but she was being hesitant.
"Nathan be careful". She said to him through telepathy and he just nodded.
"He can take good care of himself Nathalie". Romeo said after a long while of silence. They had covered a good distance from the restaurant.
"Not when he is with that woman". She answered, sounding angered.
"He would choose her over you a million times Nathalie". This time he said it through telepathy.
She glared at him. This wasn't the first time he had bluntly told her this. At first, it had been a big problem but now she didn't care. Her feelings didn't know how to shut down, Romeo wasn't helping either, all he knew was to rub salt in her wounds. She would stay at the sidelines, worrying sick about a man who could never see her more than family, that was her decision no matter what anyone was going to say.

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