Chapter forty; Ravaya

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Gelma woke up from her side of the bed, hoping to see Nathan but he was no where to be found. His side of the bed was so cold indicating that he had left a long while ago. She hastily got up from the bed and ran downstairs. He could be downstairs having his breakfast or somewhere in the garden. As she arrived the ground floor, she was more disappointed., for he wasn't in the living room, she ran to the backyard, instead of him, she saw Lynx trimming the roses.
"Good morning miss Moriaty". He bowed.
"Where is Nathan?" She sounded angry, she didn't mean to sound rude.
"Miss he left for a meeting".
"A meeting I don't know of? That too on a Sunday?" She asked with an arched brow.
"Where is Donna?" She interrupted him.
"She went out to get groceries". He answered politely.
She starred at him for a few seconds without uttering a word. She glanced at the bright roses, glowing under the morning sun. She couldn't afford to smile because her mind was busy, pondering why Nathan was acting distant and secretive. There were many things about him he wasn't telling her, so many secrets and she was becoming so worried. She walked in, she went to her room. Immediately she slammed the door shut, her phone began ringing. She knew who was calling her, he had told her he was going to place a call. She picked it up, unsure what the call was going to be about.
"Tyler what now?" She wasn't happy.
"Come over to Gordon's cafe. Alone". He said. "I would tell you all you need to know".
"I'm on my way". She said and ended the call.
She took in a deep breath. She knew Nathan had specifically told her to stay clear from Tyler but here she was about to meet with him. She needed some sort of explanation to the occurrences that have been taking place since she set eyes on Nathan.
She hurriedly got ready, she put on a black hoody and tight ripped jeans. She tied her hair up in a ponytail, she didn't apply any makeup. She wasn't going to a beauty pageant, she was going to listen to Tyler talk. She put on a pair of white snickers. While she was lacing her shoes, she was thinking how she was going to get out of this king's mansion without being noticed. She couldn't escape as last time because it was day and she was going to be caught.
She strode to the backyard, Lynx was still busy with the flowers. She now had to cook up an excuse so she could meet with Tyler.
"Yes miss Moriaty". He answered, facing her.
He had a green apron on, he also wore a pair of black gloves and protective glasses. He had his black leather boots on, he looked like a gardener. Just that he had no hat on, his short brown hair was exposed. He looked good, all of Nathan's people were good looking and close to perfection, they couldn't afford ugliness it seemed. He had intimidating amber eyes, he was so burly.
"I misplaced my bracelet...I think it was when I was in search of Nathan". She began, not faltering, guess she was talented with lies telling. "You see...Nathan gifted me that gold bracelet... I can't lose it. Can you go in and find it for me?" She clamorously lied... and he believed her because he rose up and went into the house to begin his search. Well he was going to keep searching and find nothing, the bracelet she had mentioned wasn't existing, Nathan would never be so romantic to gift her a bracelet. She couldn't help but laugh silently at her smartness.
With this golden opportunity, she went to the wall, the same wall she climbed that night and escaped. A tree had grown on the wall, the roots had embroidered itself on the wall, making it easier for one to mount the royal wall. She did so rashly and like a legend, she jumped down on the other side of the wall. This time around she didn't fall down, she was slowly getting better at this.
She walked a safe distance before breaking a taxi. The taxi driver dropped her around the area, he explained that the cafe was at a certain alley and so he couldn't drop her there exactly. He gave her the directions to the place before speeding off. Immediately the taxi left, heavy rain began pouring down all of a sudden. She was confused, all what the driver had told her had left with him, she couldn't retain a word he said. Before she got completely soaked by the down pour, she was sheltered from the rain by an umbrella belonging to an unknown person. She tried gazing up to see who had generously covered her with an umbrella, she saw that it was the blonde guy...Tyler. She mentally rolled her eyes and followed him quietly to Gordon's cafe. Once they had arrived, he wrapped her with his big jacket, it was really warm and prevented her from shivering like a wet chicken. He led her in, the cafe was empty but cozy. He showed her where to sit.
"I'm happy you came". He smiled. Tsk! He had to look so dazzling with that crooked smile of his, she thought. Nathan's was more beautiful.
"Tea? Coffee?" He asked.
"Do you play chess?" He asked with a tentative smile.
What a question, she thought. Did she come here to play chess? She glared at him and he subtly got her message. After a couple of minutes, he brought her cup of tea, he stubbornly came with a chessboard.
"There you go". He placed the cup of tea before her and began playing with the characters on the chessboard.
He gave her a wry smile.
"It took me so long to find you". He began, twirling the queen in his fingers.
"So you were in search of me, what for?" She asked.
"There are a lot of things you are oblivious about".
"I am here to hear you speak, I want to know everything". She said. "Who is Iblis?"
"You are in danger?" He said.
"And how do you know that? Who are you?"
"Your guardian angel". He answered causing her to laugh out in derision.
This conversation was going no where, she couldn't believe that she had wasted her precious time and come all the way here just to listen to such crab.
She rose up in and attempt to leave.
"Ravaya". He called out.
She whipped her head in his direction the moment she heard him call her that.
"That was the name your father use to call you before he passed on". He smirked. He watched her take her seat while starring at him incredulously.
"No one knows my other name". She said, she was shocked hearing it from him.
Nathan had called her that way in his sleep as though he knew whosoever it was whose name was Ravaya.
"I know everything about you, in this life and your previous life Ravaya".
"Don't call me that". She warned.
He nodded.
"You are not a human Tyler". She said and he smirked at her.
"Do you have an idea who you're living with?" He asked.
She remained mute.
"At least I am not from hell. I am an angel Gelma, you're angel". He told her.
She didn't grasp what he said, she wasn't feeling comfortable also. She rose up and began walking out.
She didn't look back, she kept her eyes steady on the road, the rain had subsided and so she could move easily. Her mind was swirling with thoughts, unanswered questions and new theories. Who was Nathan? Was Tyler even speaking the truth? Guardian angel? She scoffed. Her father, why had he kept her name a secret? What was Nathan dreaming of that he kept calling out her name? What was going on? The images she had seen this week, most of all who was Iblis? Every time she thought of the name, she felt a certain rage and hate. She felt different, she felt like someone else. Her blood boiled, Iblis, she hissed the name, surprised at the venom lacing her voice. She clenched her fists to calm herself down. Her phone rang for the umpteenth time. She knew Lynx was worried and probably angry with her. She picked the call up.
"Miss Moriaty". He sounded relieved.
"Lynx I'm fine... I'm on my way home". She said and hung up. She had walked to God knows where, it was already twilight, if she didn't get a cab now, she was going to get there by night. Nathan shouldn't find out about this little escapade of hers.

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