Off Season

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Chapter 1:

Madison's POV

I reach over as my alarm started to go off. I turn off the alarm and sat up. Its the off season and I actually have to go to school besides taking online classes. School sucks...

"My life sucks." I mumble looking over my shoulder. Usually when I look over my shoulder Chase is there, but he's not. He went back to Georgia to visit family and friends. I won't get to see him as often now. I walk over to my closet and picked out clothes.

A/n- on sidebar

"Good morning Senior." Amanda says walking into my room.

"Good morning college student." I say.

"Hey, your just lucky you don't get to go through college. You already have a job." Amanda laughs.

"True that." I reply.

"Chase is texting you!" Amanda shrieks looking at my phone. I laugh and snatch my phone away from her.

From Chase❤️: Good morning sunshine!

To Chase❤️: Good morning handsome! 😘

From Chase❤️: How is my beautiful girl this morning?

To Chase❤️: Very tired and really doesn't want to go to school. 😴😬 anyways how's Georgia?

From Chase❤️: Your almost there beautiful, couple more months until you're free! Georgia is great, but it would be better if you were here with me 😉

To Chase❤️: I wish I was there too!!

From Chase❤️: You probably could've fit in my suitcase.

To Chase❤️: Wish I would've thought of that before you left... Anyways I gotta get ready for school. I miss you! Love you!!! 😘😘

From Chase❤️: Alrighty! I love you too!! I'll text you later! 😘😉

"You two are perfect for each other!" Amanda says looking at the texts. I just smile and tossed my phone on the bed. I grabbed my clothes and headed towards the bathroom. I quickly get dressed, put my hair in a bun, and put the finishing touches on my makeup.

"Breakfast is ready."

I walk down and sat down at the table as Amanda sets my plate down. I grin and began to eat. I cleaned the plate off in like five minutes. I washed off my plate and headed back upstairs. I grabbed my books, phone, and my keys. Before I left I pulled out the bracelet Chase gave me before he left, and put it on my wrist.

"Bye Amanda!" I call out.

"Have fun at school."

"No promises."

I close the door behind me and began the short walk. I just hope everyone treats me like a normal person. I don't want to be known as the girl who won the championship to my friends.

**At School**

"Oh my god you're here!" Ella yells.

"Oh wow." I say as she picks me up and starts jumping around.

"I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too Ella. Can you put me down now?" I laugh as I see everyone staring at us.

"No problem." she says putting me down.

"MADISON!" Jenna yells.

"Hi Jenna!" I say giving her a hug.

"Hey you forgot someone."

"Hi Spencer." I smile.

"Hey she remembers my name." He jokes putting his arm around my shoulder.

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