Cale's Proposal

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Chapter 12:

Madison's POV


"I don't know, I haven't seen Cale today." I say.

"Where is that boy then? He wants to propose to my sister!" Ryan says.

"Ryan, Cale is a good guy. He treats Emma right, and he's a loyal and honest guy. Don't let what happened to Chase and I, let you lose trust in Cale." I say.

"I know." Ryan sighs.

"Hey guys." Cale says walking in.

"Why don't people knock anymore when they come here?" I ask.

"Because it's you, and they know you won't get mad at them. Plus you never lock your door when you're in here." Ryan laughs.

"I should start locking it more." I laugh.

"What's up Cale?" I ask.

"I'm just really nervous." Cale says.

"Don't worry about it. Everything is all set up and Erin should be landing anytime now. Your family is here, our family is here, and everything is fine." I assure him.

"Speaking of which, I need to pick up Erin." I say.

"Here take my truck." Ryan says tossing his keys to me.

"Alright, thanks Ryan. I'll be back in a bit." I say catching the keys.

"If my place is messy when I come back, you two are cleaning it up." I say walking out the door.

"No promises!" Ryan calls out as the door shuts. I walk out the gate and over to Ryan's truck. I unlock the door and got settled in the seat.

"Hello?" I say answering my phone.

"Hey, I just landed where are you?" Erin asks.

"I'm just leaving, I'll be there in about ten minutes." I reply start the truck.

"Alright, I'll be waiting outside." Erin says.

"Okay, I'll be there soon." I say.

"Okay bye."


*at the airport*

"Hey girl." I smile.

"Hey!" Erin says putting her bags in the bed of the truck. Once she hops in I go right in for a hug.

"It's been forever!" Erin says.

"Yes, way to long for my liking." I say.

"So catch me up on everything." Erin says as I pulled out of the airport parking lot.

"Umm not much has happened since you left for college. Course you know about the Blaney triplets." I say pulling into the main road to the track.

"Yes, I totally have! I'm so excited to be an aunt!" Erin squeals.

"Did you hear what's happening between me and Chase? I'm not sure I told you." I ask.

"No, you didn't tell me, but Ryan and mom both called me. I'm sorry Maddie, how is everything now?" She asks.

"Umm everything is going good. Chase and I are back to being friends again, I finally got myself together again and talked to him yesterday and cleared everything up." I reply stopping at a red light.

"I'm glad to hear your doing better. From what Ryan and mom told me, I was about to hop on the nearest plane and see you. But Ryan said you would want me to stay and focus on school and stuff." Erin says.

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