Date Night

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Chapter 2:

Madison's POV

"When is the last time we actually went on a date?" Chase asks.

"Good question. I honestly don't know." I laugh.

"We should go out tonight." Chase suggested.

"Yeah we should." I smile.

"Fancy?" Chase asks looking over at me. I turned my head around a looked at him, and we both bursted out laughing. Chase and I are not really fancy people and probably never will be. We're more like a racing, go karting, bowling, pizza eating, sports couple.

"Nice one." I laugh.

"Yeah I feel stupid now." Chase laughs.

"Nah your not stupid." I reply as Chase parks his truck. He smiles and opens his door. I hop out of the passengers seat and grabbed my house key.

"Amanda I'm home!" I called out as Chase walks up behind me.

"In the kitchen!" She calls back. I slip my shoes off and made my way towards the kitchen.

"We have a guest." I say smiling like an idiot.

"Who?" Amanda asks turning around.

"Oh Chase! It's nice to see you again." Amanda smiles. I set my backpack down and sit down at the breakfast bar.

"Nice to see you too." Chase replies.

"Oh Maddie, Dale called and she said to call him as soon as possible." Amanda says. I nod and pulled out my phone from my back pocket. I dialed Dale's number and put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" He answers.

"Hey it's Madison. You called?" I reply.

"Yes I did, so tomorrow Hendrick is having a press conference. We need you and Chase to be in Charlotte about 10ish." Dale says.

"Okay, we'll be there."

"Alright I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay bye Dale." I hand up and set my phone on the counter.

"What did Dale want?" Chase asks.

"We have to go to Hendrick Motorsports tomorrow for a press conference at 10." I say.

"Press Conference? For what?"

"I don't know he didn't say what it was about." I shrug. I kinda had an idea what it was about, but I wasn't sure. I think it's to announce Dale's retirement after this season, and me driving the 88 in 2017. I haven't mentioned it to Chase, because Mr. H said to keep it just between him, Dale, and I.

"Hmm. I guess we'll just have to find out tomorrow then." Chase says.

"Maddie do you have any homework?" Amanda asks. One thing I hate is homework...

"Maybe." I say.

"Better get it done." Amanda says giving me a 'mom' look. I sigh and grabbed my books.

"And I expect Chase to make sure she gets it done." Amanda says. Well at least I'll have Chase with me.

"I will don't worry." Chase says as he looks over and winks. He takes my hand and we both headed upstairs to my room.

"Welcome to my room." I say opening up the door. There wasn't really much in my room just a few NASCAR stuff and Atlanta Braves stuff and that was about it.

"Loving the Braves stuff." Chase winks.

"Knew you would like it." I laugh. I sit down at the little desk I had and began to start my dreaded homework.

Surviving  {Chase Elliott} {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now