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Chapter 27:

Madison's POV

"Darling, you look horrible no offense." Chase says walking in and sitting down on the bed next to me. I felt horrible. I feel like my head is going to explode. I have no idea why I got sick, it just happened I guess.

"None taken." I reply. "Chase, please stay away from me. I don't want to get you sick too." I add.

Today is the Sprint Cup race, since I'm sick, I couldn't race yesterday. So, Chase being his sweet self, took over and got a nice second place finish for the team. Brad and the 22 team ended up winning, Chase second, and Erik third. Wasn't an ideal points day, but I know Chase did his best. And that is what really matters.

"Don't worry about me. I'm not worried about myself. I'm worried about you." Chase says rubbing my arm. "I got a couple hours until the race, and I'm staying with you. I don't care if I get sick." He says. He walks over to the shelf and pulls out the box of movies.

"What are you doing now." I say. Chase searches through the box and pulls out a movie. "Chase?" I ask as he walks out.  A minute later he walks in just sweatpants, and he gives me his sweatshirt. I could tell it was recently sprayed with his cologne. I swear to god he is the best. "You didn't have to do this."

"Anything for you." He says laying down next to me. He grabs the remote and starts the movie, which was one of my favorites. I absolutely love Disney, and I'm not going to lie about it. I mean who doesn't love Disney? He picked out  Beauty and the Beast, which is a favorite of mine. As the movie starts, he pulls me close and I laid my head on his chest.

About halfway through the the movie, I could feel my eyes getting heavier. It's been a little over two weeks since we got engaged. It's been the best two weeks ever. I cannot believe how lucky I am to have him. Throughout everything we've gone through. It's unbelievable.


"Darling, I'm sorry to wake you. I just wanna tell you the race is about to start. I'm heading out now." Chase says softly.

"Okay. I love you, and be safe." I reply.

"I will, you know I will. I love you too." Chase says. He stands up, and places a kiss on my forehead. He heads out, and I heard the door shut. I still felt crap, but that nap was nice. I grab the remote and changed the channel over to the race.

I can't believe the season is coming in an end in two weeks. I somehow still have my points lead over Jones, and over at the Cup side Dylan is leading. Chase is second in the points, only eight points behind Dylan. Then Brittany Busch is leading the Truck Series. I think she has a comfortable lead.

The last two weeks, Xfintiy has had off. Those two weeks, we mainly focused on our Homestead car. I did a couple tests in Miami, and other stuff. I raced the Truck races at Talledega and Martinsville. I got second at Talledega, and the I won at Martinsville, barely.

"I'm with Chase Elliott, who is rolling off seventh for today's race. You raced yesterday for the Xfintiy race. You replaced Madison Blaney, who wasn't feeling too well. Did you learn anything yesterday that you can apply here today?"

"Yeah, mainly tire wear was a big thing yesterday for me and many others. Gotta take good care of those tires, if you wanna make it out of here with the car in one piece."

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