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Chapter 16:

Madison's POV


I can't get the image out of my head. My own brother, out of all the people in the field. Why did it have to be him? I cannot help but take the blame for all of this. If I wasn't battling for the lead, this would've never happened. I should of just let Brian have the lead. Ryan was in surgery all last night, and also through this morning.

"Mom, dad!" Emma cries. I slightly look up, only to look back down. Emma says all of it was out of my hands, but it still felt like my fault.

"Blaney family? Dr. Nelson would like to see you now." A nurse pops into the waiting room. I quickly wipe away a falling tear and stand up. The nurse  leads us to outside of Ryan's room. All of us hoping it the news wasn't what we thought.

"Alright." Dr. Nelson sighs coming out.

"I got some slight good news and bad news, mostly bad news. Mr. Blaney should make it through this, but he's gonna have to fight. He had some serious cuts and bruises, multiple broken bones, but the worst is his head injury. I can't go further into detail of how it will affect him until he comes too. But it doesn't look good right now. He's lucky." Dr. Nelson says.

"Alright thank you doctor." Mom says.

"If you have anymore questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask." He says then walks away.

"So, can we see him now?" Emma asks.

"Yeah, Cecelia is in there now. I have to go pick up Erin from the airport." Dad says taking his keys out. Mom walks off with dad, and Emma turns to me.

"I'm gonna get some coffee, do you need any?" She asks.

"I'm good, but thank you." I reply. As Emma walks off to the hospital cafeteria, I decide to go visit Ryan.

"Hey." I say quietly. Cecelia turns around and begins wiping away her tears. Ryan had so many wires hooked up to him, two casts on his legs, one arm in a sling, he was in a neck brace, back brace, and he also had his head supported. It was scary.

"Hey Maddie." Cecelia says quietly.

"How's he doing?" I ask walking next to her.

"Still the same, nothing new." She sighs.

"Oh." Was all I could say. I look down for the slightest moment, and then looked back up at Ryan.

"Cecelia, look." I say quietly. Cecelia's head jerks up and looks towards Ryan.

"Oh my god, get the doctor." Cecelia says. I push a button on the wall, to page the doctor.

It was about maybe a second until Dr. Nelson came rushing in. By the time he got in, Ryan's eyes were already open. Not all the way, but slightly. Dr. Nelson starting asking simple question, but Ryan just stared blankly at all of us.

"Can you move your leg?" The doctor asked clearly, gently lifting up his right leg. You could he was trying to move it, but it just wouldn't move.

"That's what I thought." Dr. Nelson says.

"What?" Cecelia asks.

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