The 600

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Chapter 13:

Madison's POV

~Still Sunday~


"Umm before we go, there is something I would like to say." Cale says standing up.

"Emma, since the first day I met you, you became a very special part of my life. I honestly have no idea what I would do without you. You are the most kind, loyal, and honest person I know. You mean the world to me, and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you." Cale says helping Emma stand up, as Emma looks around confused at us.

"So Emma Blaney, will you marry me?" Cale asks bending down on one knee and holding the ring.

"Oh my god." She gasps.

"Yes!" Emma says in tears.

**End of recap**

"I still can't believe that happened!" Emma says looking at her ring. I laugh as I come out of my room zipping up my fire suit. She's been looking at her engagement ring nonstop.

"And I'm surprise you didn't spill anything." Emma laughs.

"It was really hard not telling you." I laugh.

"Ready?" Emma asks.

"Yeah, lets get racing." I say excited. Emma and I both walk out and headed straight towards pit road. I signed a few autographs along the way, as well as taking pictures with the fans. It was already my third race in the 25 car. It's unbelievable how fast the season is going.

"Hey Maddie." Kenny Francis says from the pit box.

"Hey Kenny." I wave. I have Kenny Francis for all of my Cup races this season, and I have my Xfinity spotter as my Cup spotter also.

"Madison, can we get a quick interview?" Matt Yocum asks walking up with a camera crew.

"Yeah, sure." I say.

"I'm here with Madison Blaney, who is gonna be rolling off second tonight, or should I say first since the 48 has to go to the rear. Now you have a new teammate driving in this race, Darrell Wallace Jr., how do you think he'll do in his Sprint Cup debut?" Matt asks.

"He's gonna do an amazing job, that 48 car has been fast all week. It's a shame that he'll have to start at the end of the field, but he'll be up in the top 10 in no time." I say.

"There is some rain in the forecast, if it does rain, how do you think it will effect the track?" He asks.

"Umm I defiantly think the track will lose a lot of grip. Especially in turn three, because that seems to be where the most grip is." I reply.

"This twenty-five team is defiantly ready, especially if we go late racing here tonight." Matt says closing the interview. As we waited for pre race ceremonies to start, Dale came over and started talking about working together, which we agreed on. About ten minutes away from ceremonies, it was pouring rain.

"Well, there is Tyler's rain." Dale laughs.

"Oh yeah, he'll enjoy this. He really likes late racing, especially at Charlotte or even Daytona." I laugh as Emma quickly came over with an umbrella.

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