The Fight

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Chapter 10:

Madison's POV

"Come on Madison you have to get up sometime today." Amanda says sitting on the edge of the bed.

"What's even the point." I ask from underneath my blanket.

"You can't let Cha-, I mean a guy do this to you. You can't be locked up in this room forever. Go out and see your family, they need to see you and know that your okay." Amanda says.

"I guess." I say uncovering my face.

"I have to go to school. I'll see you later, okay?" Amanda says giving me a hug.

"Okay." I say hugging her back. Amanda smiles and walks out of my room. She's right I need to see my family, I can't just lock myself up. I grab a pair of clothes and hit the shower first. After my quick shower, I get dressed and put my hair up in a braid.

To Emma: Hey are you working today?

From Emma: Yeah, just opening up the shop. What's up sis?

To Emma: I'm gonna swing by and help out if I can. I really need to get out of this house.

From Emma: Yes, please come!! I haven't seen you in like forever!

To Emma: Alright I'll be there in like 30 minutes.

From Emma: Alrighty sis! See you soon! Love you!!!!

To Emma: Okay. Love you too!!

I put my phone in my back pocket and and headed downstairs. I grab my car keys and headed out the door. It's been two days since Chase and I broke up, two long days. Chase had been sending texts all last night, which just made me even more miserable. Ryan and Bubba just said to ignore then, and I did.

*EmLeigh's and Mama B's*

"Hey guys." I smile walking in.

"Hi sweetie." Mom says greeting me with a hug.

"How are you doing?" She asks.

"I'm doing better." I say.

"That's great to hear." She smiles.

"Hey Mads." Emma smiles.

"Hey Emma, is there anything I can do?" I ask.

"Umm actually yeah there is. I got a new shipment yesterday, could you possibly try on a few outfits and post them on Instagram?" Emma asks handing me her phone.

"Sure thing." I smile.

"The clothes are hanged up in the dressing room." Emma calls out. I nod and walked to the dressing room. I put the first outfit on, and walk out to the mirror. I take a picture and post it on EmLeigh's and Mama B's Instagram page.

EmLeigh's and Mama B's: Here at shop! Great new spring clothes on sale! Come check it out! -Madison

I post that and try on a couple more outfits and dresses and post them on Instagram as well. I take the clothes and hang them on the empty rack, then went to Emma.

"There you go." I say handing her phone back.

"Sweet! Thanks!" She smiles.

"Uh oh, looks like trouble is here." I say as Ryan walks in.

"What are you doing?" Emma asks.

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