Something Gone Wrong

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Chapter 15:

Madison's POV

[Couple weeks later: Daytona]

"What in the world?" I question walking up to my pit box. It was decorate with a lot of balloons and streamers and other decor.

"Well you are getting your high school diploma today. So, your basically graduating today." Kenny replies from on top of the pit box.  I was supposed to graduate last weekend, but of the race I couldn't really make it. So, the principal is flying in today to give me my diploma during driver intros. I'm finally free!

"Whatever floats your boat." I laugh.

"Done!" My car chief says.

"Wow, well this pit box stands out from the others." I laugh.

"I think we went a little overboard with the streamers." The jack man says.

"Yeah, just a bit." I reply.

"Woah, what happened here?" Ryan asks.

"I don't know." I laugh.

"Well, okay then." Ryan says and then he just walks off. He has been acting strange all weekend. Cecelia even noticed it too, I wonder what is up. I've also noticed Bubba acting strange too, now that I think about it.

Anyways today is the Fourth of July, we have a pretty fast car here today. We qualified eighth for tonight's race, not bad. Ryan won the pole with his 22 Discount Tire Ford Mustang, and Erik will start second. Erik starting second is the last thing we need right now. He's only a couple points behind me, and him winning tonight? Well, I could be losing the points lead very soon...

Last weekend was okay, I thought we would be stronger at Chicagoland. We got a solid top five finish, Erik was sixth. I gained like a point or two, but that's about it. This points battle is more difficult than I expected it to be.

"Alright I'll see you guys in a bit." I wave.

"Bye girl." Kenny says. I begin to walk back towards me motor home. I walk by Chase's motor home in the way to mine. Hannah and Chase have been dating for a while now, and I've been slowly getting over it.

"Dylan?" I ask as I walk in.

"Hey girl." He smiles.

"What are you doing here?" I ask hugging him.

"I heard about everything that's been going on. So, I thought you might need a friend to talk too." Dylan replies.

"Yeah, it's been rough, but I'm making it through. Thanks for coming, but you didn't have to fly all the way here for me." I say feeling bad.

"It was no problem at all. I would do anything for you. Plus Seanna wanted to come down here anyway." Dylan smiles.

"Thank you again." I smile hugging him.


"Woah." Dylan says looking at the clock.

"What?" I ask.

"We've been talking for over 5 hours." Dylan says in amazement. At first I didn't believe him. I look at the clock and sure enough it was almost 7. I cannot believe we've been talking for like 5 hours.

"Wow, time flys." I laugh standing up.

"Yeah, no kidding." Dylan laughs back.

"I'll see you in a bit. Thanks again for listening to all my crap." I say hugging him.

"It's totally okay, I'm always here for you Maddie." Dylan replies hugging back.

"Thank you." I say.

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