The Monster Mile

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Chapter 22:

Madison's POV

"Hey, it's time to wake up sleepy head." Someone says shaking me. I slowly open my eyes, and see Chase standing over me.

"What time is it?" I mumble rubbing my eyes.

"It's almost 9." Chase replies. I toss off the covers and sit up.

"I have breakfast ready, and we have guests too." Chase says before the closing the door behind him. I change into jeans, my JRM shirt, and Verizon sweatshirt. I grab my phone of its charger and walked out of the bedroom. I look up and see mom, dad, Erin, Emma, Cale, Seanna, Cecelia, Ryan, the triplets, Leah, Uncle Dale, Cindy, Star, Brittany, and last but not least Bill.

"Woah, got the whole family here." I say stopping next to Chase and Ryan.

"Well you have been saying you've missed your family. So, I thought I would fly them out here for your race." Chase says.

"That's so sweet of you! Thank you!" I say giving him a side hug. Ryan grabs ahold of my hand, and kinda pulls me away into his own hug. Ryan kinda look over at Chase, and starts to grin.

"Looks like someone is jealous." Erin jokes. Ryan half smiles, and let's go of me. I mess up his hair, and he pushes my hand away.

"Your such a goofball." I laugh.

"He as been since he was born." Emma jokes.

"So Maddie, are you ready for the race?" Star asks. It's been a long weekend. We have had no practice or qualifying due to rain. We made some risks with the set up of the car, so hopefully it'll work out in the end.

"Kinda, it's gonna be hard since we have had no practice. But I think we'll be fine." I reply. "We won't know what we got until the race." I shrug.

"Well, we now you'll be good. You're  always the car to beat every single weekend." Cindy says.

"Yeah, I gotta give the credit to the team. They put together some pretty good cars." We all talk for awhile until I was called to the garage. I quickly get changed into my fire suit, and we all headed out.

"Hey Kenny." I say.

"Wow, got the whole family here." He says looking up from his clipboard.

"Hope she isn't causing too much trouble for you." Dad jokes.

"Depends on the day." Kenny laughs. I slightly give him and playful glare and he cannot help but laugh. "I'm just kidding Maddie, you're a good kid." He says patting me on the shoulder. "Most of the time." He whispers.

"I can hear you!" I say lightly hitting his shoulder.

"Hey, it's almost time for pre race ceremonies." Chase says.

"Hey let's get this car to pit road, we got a race to win." Kenny orders the crew. A crew member drops the jack and the crew begins to push the car out of the garage. The crew stops the car at the fourth spot. Without practice I got fourth, Erik is on the pole, Ty second, and Bubba third. Bubba and I haven't talked since we had that fight a couple days ago. I don't really know where we stand as of right now, but I hope he doesn't take it out on the track. We can handle this off the track.

"Please rise and remove your hats as Minister Richard Moral has today's invocation." The announcer says. Chase takes his hat off and wraps his arm around me. The prayer ends and it ended with an 'amen'. They go through the National Anthem quickly, and Chase turns over to me.

"Good luck, I love you, and please be careful." He says hugging me.

"I love you too, and I will." I reply. I hug the rest of the family, plus Cindy, Bill, Star, and Brittany. I climb into the car and began to strap in as Chase came to put up the window net.

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