One Step Closer

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Chapter 23:

Chase's POV

"I would like to ask you for Madison's hand in marriage." I nervously added. Lisa and Dave both look at each other, and Emma and Erin literally screamed.

"Oh my god! This is the best thing ever!" Erin screeches. "Say yes! I beg you!" Erin adds shaking Dave and Lisa. I knew they were probably thinking Maddie was too young, but I was thinking waiting until next off season when she's twenty.

"Chase, this is so sudden. What made you wanna do it now?" Dave asks. That was not the answer I was looking for. Lisa gives him a look, and hits him in the shoulder.

"I feel like we're at that point in our relationship, where getting married is the only thing left to do. I love Madison a lot. She's everything to me." I reply. Lisa nods in understand meant, and looks over at Dave.

"Well, Chase I approve. You're a fine young man, Madison is very lucky to have you." Lisa says breaking the silence. "Dave?" Dave stands up and straightens himself out and walks up to me.

"If you want to marry my daughter, you'll have to get through him." Dave says pointing to Ryan. "Ryan, what do you think buddy?" Ryan reaches his hand out, and I take it. Ryan squeezes it twice for yes.

Madison's POV

"Hey, have you been noticing that Chase has been acting strange lately?" I ask pouring my coffee into a cup.

"Umm isn't he always strange?" Cecelia laughs.

"You have a point there. But seriously stranger than usual." I laugh trying to be serious. He's been avoiding my questions, taking secret phone calls, he's always on the phone. Cecelia thinks for a moment and then replies. "Then maybe a bit, he's been sneaking around a lot."

"Hmm." I say as the door opens.

"Hey." Chase says walking in with a smile. Chase comes up behind me and kisses my cheek. Cecelia tried not to laugh, and I gave her a look.

"You're in a good mood." I say.

"Yes, I am darling!" He says walking to the back room.

"He's scaring me. Something is up and I'm going to find out." I say. Cecelia and I talk for a while, and then she left to meet up with Seanna and the triplets. "Chase." I say walking to the back.

"Hey, what's up." He says looking up from his phone.

"What's been up with you lately? I ask sitting down next to him on the bed.

"Nothing, I just had some stuff going on." Chase says taking my hand. "You don't need to worry about it. It's all handled now, don't worry darling."

"Alright." I say unsure.

Bubba's POV

"Wait, you guys aren't even talking at all?" Dylan says sitting down. I nod closing the fridge. "Has she tried talking to you?"

"Yeah, but I walk away. I don't need to hear it anymore. She's just gonna say that she's with Chase and all that other crap." I  say starting to get angry.

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