Championship Weekend Part 2

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Chapter 28 Part 2:

Madison's POV

"Chase, it's time to wake up." I say walking into the bedroom. Chase quickly pulls the covers over his head, blocking out the light, as I opened up the small curtains. "Chase, you need to be at the drivers meeting in 45 minutes." I inform pulling the covers off.

"Why do they have to make these driver meetings so early?" He mumbles sitting up. "Why can't it be like 1 or something?" Chase asks.

"Because one is when the race starts." I laugh. "Plus the 2016 champion has to be at the meeting." I add walking out.

Today is the last race of the 2016 season on the Sprint Cup side. Dale, Chase, Dylan, and Cody are the final four fighting for the championship. I'm absolutely torn between the guys, I don't know who I want to win. If I had to choose? Probably Dale. It's his last season, before he retires forever, and I'll be left driving the 88. Dylan? Well it would be a huge victory for the Woods Brother's, with everything that has happened to Ryan. Chase? Well, he's my fiancé and I wanna see him winning. Duh! And Cody? He's a great family friend, and it would also be a great victory for the Woods Brother's.

Last night was still shocking to me. I still couldn't believe I was a two time Xfinity Series Champion. This season has been a roller coaster. From the wins, to Ryan being injured at Daytona, being engaged to Chase, and to now a championship. Unbelievable. And Ryan saying his first words? That was worth more than any win or any championship.

"Ready?" Chase asks walking out in his fire suit. I nod, grabbing my phone. Chase takes his hand in mine, as we both made our way to the garage. "Why am I so nervous?" I hear whisper to himself.

"Chase, you're gonna do fine." I smile at him as we entered the garage. I leaned against the toolbox, as Chase talked with Alan about the adjustments they made last night.

"There's my champion." I hear beside me. I look to my left, and see Mr. H walking towards me.

"Hey Mr. H! How are you doing?" I ask as he pulled me into a hug.

"Well, pretty good. My favorite truck owner got her first owners championship, my future driver won her second Xfinity Championship, and two Hendrick cars are in the championship four. What about you?" He laughs.

"Yeah, I'm doing fine. It's been a crazy weekend. I still haven't completely processed everything that happened last night." I chuckle.

"It'll take awhile for it settle in." He replies.

"Hey Mr. H." Chase says walking up. They shake hands, and began talking about today's race. Pretty soon it was time to head to pit road for driver intros, and pre race ceremonies. Chase grabbed my hand as we began to walk towards the gate. I swear his grip got tighter every second. He was REALLY nervous. It was kinda obvious.

"Hey, I'm gonna go see Dale. I'll see you in a few." I say turning towards Chase as we approached his car.

"Okay, see you after driver intros." He smiles kissing the top of my head. I walk down pit road over to the 88 car. A bunch of people, press, and cameramen were crowded around the car. I managed to squeeze my way through and get to Dale.

"Hey Maddie!" Amy smiles.

"Hey Amy." I smile back. Amy takes my hand, and pulls me through the crowd. We stand directly behind Dale as he finished his interviews. Man, was this gonna be a heck of a race.


"Drivers! Start your engines!" I put up scanner on, and immediately turned it onto Chase's channel.

"Alright boys, Homestead. It's time to show them what we got." Alan says.

"10-4, thank you guys for all of your hard work this season. I cannot thank you enough! Now let's go win that championship with clean pit stops, a great strategy, and I will do my best to stay clean on the track." Chase replies.

"10-4 buddy, go out there and have fun!"

"Green flag is in the air!" The spotter shouts with excitement. The cars accelerate through the front stretch. "88 is at your quarter Chase. Stick your line." The spotter comes in. Chase and Dale battle through until turn four, where Chase got the advantage. Chase pulled barely in front of Dale. A couple cars back were Cody and Dylan, running fifth and sixth.

"88 running the high line, gaining a little bit."


"Caution, caution." The spotter says.

Seriously? A caution with only seven laps to go? Dang, this is gonna be a heck of a finish. Chase was running second, but Dale has the lead as of right now. Cody and Dylan are in third and fourth. It's technically anybody's game at this point. The officials open pit road, but nobody takes it. Well, there's gonna be a green white checkered coming up.

"Where's Bill?" I ask Cindy.

"He was too nervous to watch, he's probably walking out near the garages." Cindy replies. I feel Bill, this race is so tense, that I don't even wanna watch what happens next. I mean on lap 47 and 63 Dale and Chase got together in turn four. A lot of crashes, anything could happen to them out there.

The cars get lined up again for the restart. Cindy and I both stand up, as the pace car dives onto pit road. As they come to the restart line, Chase gets a way better restart than Dale. It seemed like Dale's tires possibly locked up. Cody and Dylan take advantage, and both pass Dale. Even though Dale probably wasn't going to win, I knew anything could happen.

"Come on Chase." I whispered. Chase was flying through the corners, leaving the second, third, and fourth place car in the dust. Chase was dodging traffic left and right. He did some pretty daring and risky stuff out there.

"One more lap to go at Homestead!" Chase flies though the corners, as Dale got up to third passing Cody. Dylan sitting comfortably in second.


A/N- sorry for the wait! Enjoy! Sorry for any spelling mistakes!


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